2008-10-24 09:35:13 UTC
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sarah Palin, CBN, Separation of Church and State - Nuff Said, Wink Wink
Posted by Jeffrey Olsson
Sarah Palin makes no bones about it, she believes that Gay marriage is
wrong and she wants Roe vs Wade overturned, potentially stopping abortion
in USA. She will make these statements in an interview with the Christian
Broadcasting Network to be aired later today.
She will also say that she is troubled by those who mock of her religious
beliefs. Beliefs that she is sure have helped her rise to success. She
summarized this point by saying Nobody is going to convince me that my
foundation of faith is not good for me and for my family no matter the
mocking, no matter what anybody says about it, Im going to keep plugging
away at this and Im going to keep seeking Gods guidance and His wisdom
and His favor and His grace, for me, for my family, for this campaign, for
our nation. Palin said, I can reach out to Him asking for that strength,
asking for the blessings that He so freely gives and I dont know how
anybody would want to do this if they didnt have real strong faith in God
that Hes got it all under control.
David Brody described his talk with Sarah Palin as a real "700 club"
I fear that this woman, if elected will completely blur the lines between
religious belief and the office of the vice president. I also find it so
odd that right in the midst of the world wide economic crisis that the
United States has caused by it's policies of deregulation that she thinks
it's the right time to tell the world that marriage is something that needs
to be regulated.
Can I get an "AMEN" ?
Find out why I left the priesthood or check out my opinions about religion
and other paranormal BS on my web page at http://members.shaw.ca/jdolsson/
You are invited to check out the following:
The Rise of the Theocratic States of America
American Theocrats - Past and Present
The Constitutional Principle: Separation of Church and State
[and to join the discussion group for the above site and/or Separation of
Church and State in general, listed below]
HRSepCnS · Historical Reality SepChurch&State
. . . You can't understand a phrase such as "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion" by syllogistic reasoning. Words
take their meaning from social as well as textual contexts, which is why "a
page of history is worth a volume of logic." New York Trust Co. v. Eisner,
256 U.S. 345, 349, 41 S.Ct. 506, 507, 65 L.Ed. 963 (1921) (Holmes, J.).
Sherman v. Community Consol. Dist. 21, 980 F.2d 437, 445 (7th Cir. 1992)
. . .
USAF LT. COL (Ret) Buffman (Glen P. Goffin) wrote
"You pilot always into an unknown future;
facts are your only clue. Get the facts!"
That philosophy 'snipit' helped to get me, and my crew, through a good
many combat missions and far too many scary, inflight, emergencies.
It has also played a significant role in helping me to expose the
plethora of radical Christian propaganda and lies that we find at
almost every media turn.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sarah Palin, CBN, Separation of Church and State - Nuff Said, Wink Wink
Posted by Jeffrey Olsson
Sarah Palin makes no bones about it, she believes that Gay marriage is
wrong and she wants Roe vs Wade overturned, potentially stopping abortion
in USA. She will make these statements in an interview with the Christian
Broadcasting Network to be aired later today.
She will also say that she is troubled by those who mock of her religious
beliefs. Beliefs that she is sure have helped her rise to success. She
summarized this point by saying Nobody is going to convince me that my
foundation of faith is not good for me and for my family no matter the
mocking, no matter what anybody says about it, Im going to keep plugging
away at this and Im going to keep seeking Gods guidance and His wisdom
and His favor and His grace, for me, for my family, for this campaign, for
our nation. Palin said, I can reach out to Him asking for that strength,
asking for the blessings that He so freely gives and I dont know how
anybody would want to do this if they didnt have real strong faith in God
that Hes got it all under control.
David Brody described his talk with Sarah Palin as a real "700 club"
I fear that this woman, if elected will completely blur the lines between
religious belief and the office of the vice president. I also find it so
odd that right in the midst of the world wide economic crisis that the
United States has caused by it's policies of deregulation that she thinks
it's the right time to tell the world that marriage is something that needs
to be regulated.
Can I get an "AMEN" ?
Find out why I left the priesthood or check out my opinions about religion
and other paranormal BS on my web page at http://members.shaw.ca/jdolsson/
You are invited to check out the following:
The Rise of the Theocratic States of America
American Theocrats - Past and Present
The Constitutional Principle: Separation of Church and State
[and to join the discussion group for the above site and/or Separation of
Church and State in general, listed below]
HRSepCnS · Historical Reality SepChurch&State
. . . You can't understand a phrase such as "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion" by syllogistic reasoning. Words
take their meaning from social as well as textual contexts, which is why "a
page of history is worth a volume of logic." New York Trust Co. v. Eisner,
256 U.S. 345, 349, 41 S.Ct. 506, 507, 65 L.Ed. 963 (1921) (Holmes, J.).
Sherman v. Community Consol. Dist. 21, 980 F.2d 437, 445 (7th Cir. 1992)
. . .
USAF LT. COL (Ret) Buffman (Glen P. Goffin) wrote
"You pilot always into an unknown future;
facts are your only clue. Get the facts!"
That philosophy 'snipit' helped to get me, and my crew, through a good
many combat missions and far too many scary, inflight, emergencies.
It has also played a significant role in helping me to expose the
plethora of radical Christian propaganda and lies that we find at
almost every media turn.