I have solid proof God does exists, but nobody believes me and walk away. How do I go further with this?
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Israel Emmanuel Yeshua
2010-12-09 08:06:29 UTC
I have solid proof God does exists. I did meet God on Mount Sinai in
Egypt. When I want to show to people God does really exist, nobody
believes me and walks away. How do I go further with this?
I am loving to ask God to show himself to others as he did to me, but
it is difficult, when nobody even is prepared to let it be shown to
them. How am I able to convince others of his existence, if they do
not allow to show me God to them? By the way, I believe in only One
God, the tur and only One. He is there for all of us and we are
counted on our good deeds, no matter who you are, if you are
christian, muslim, jew, buddhist, hindu, atheist, communist, ancient
religion or gay. What is your opinion about how I should show others
God to them with solid proof to make them believe, without becoming a
media circus?
old man joe
2010-12-09 12:11:47 UTC
Post by Israel Emmanuel Yeshua
I have solid proof God does exists. I did meet God on Mount Sinai in
Egypt. When I want to show to people God does really exist, nobody
believes me and walks away. How do I go further with this?
I am loving to ask God to show himself to others as he did to me, but
it is difficult, when nobody even is prepared to let it be shown to
them. How am I able to convince others of his existence, if they do
not allow to show me God to them? By the way, I believe in only One
God, the tur and only One. He is there for all of us and we are
counted on our good deeds, no matter who you are, if you are
christian, muslim, jew, buddhist, hindu, atheist, communist, ancient
religion or gay. What is your opinion about how I should show others
God to them with solid proof to make them believe, without becoming a
media circus?
you start off by saying you met God in Person... this is completely contrary to Rev. 22:18,19.

that's one big, big reason no one wants to hear what you have to say.

the next thing is... God does not require us to prove to anyone He really exists because God has
done that Himself, as He says beginning in Ro. 1:18.

since you are preaching a gospel foreign to God's Word the Bible, God certainly is not with you but
against you, 1 Cor. 2:14.

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