I found this in news:alt.alien.research.
There are extracs from the bible supporting the
opinions put forward. I was wondering about the
relevance and veracity of their use.
Thanks in advance.
The Nordics: Good Alien-Angels?
By Jim Wilhelmsen http://paapsi.org/
" The New Man is living among us!...He is intrepid and cruel! I was
afraid in his presence! ...Adolf Hitler
The Master Race becomes Friendly Aliens
In this section I hope to give evidence that a familiar Nazi agenda
still being propagated. The only thing that has changed through time
is the outer dressing. By their own words and actions, they stake
their own claim. This claim however, is all a matter of perception,
depending on which camp you sit in.
General Description:
The Name Nordics was derived by the UFO community for there well-
defined features from the Germanic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon variations
of the Caucasian race. They are all tall, Blond or Red Hair with Blue
eyes. They average in height from 6' to 61/2' tall with some reported
to be as tall as 8'. They are all trim, muscular and very handsome
or beautiful women just as depicted in the picture above. Consistent
to the reports throughout the world in regards to Nordics is the near
perfect physical appearance. No one has ever reported plain or
physically deficient members in their company. Just what one may
expect if you had a choice in the matter through controlled genetics.
What they say about themselves:
The Nordics seem to have a history that includes a change of address.
In the early 50's, contactees claimed these Nordics came from
Venus and Jupiter. As our space program developed satellites that
probed our solar system and explained the hostile conditions on these
planets they suddenly changed their location to a star system in the
Pleiades. This change is explained away by some within the UFO
community as simply being other Nordics. The Nordics explain that
have had a long time war and hostilities with the Grays. They say
have a non-interference policy with Earth and will only intervene
other parts of the universe are affected by our actions. Their role
as "guardians" of the cosmos and neutral in regards to mankind. When
in contact with humans they encourage the individuals to learn and
study truths from all sources and help to unite mankind. They
the same Theosophical views of God as an energy force like the Grays,
but also include the recycling of humans, telling some that they are
related, being incarnate souls from their world. In the 50's they
warned about the use of Nuclear weapons. Now they warn of the same
catastrophes that the Grays warn of and another World War. Unlike the
Grays they show emotion and appear to have a concern for mankind.
What is said about them from the UFO Community:
It is generally accepted within the UFO community that these are the
good guys. Much of this is derived from the fact that abductions are
not as traumatic and do not include the medical experiments. They
warmth in their eyes and appear concerned for the individual and
mankind. They are polite and considerate to the individuals taken and
consider their feelings, answering questions and giving reassurance
that they will be all right.
Many times they have been seen in the company of the Grays. However,
it is explained that these are other Nordics created by, or
by, the Grays as prisoners. Nordics are seen in Great Britain and
rest of Europe more often than in the United States. Some researchers
have even compared their involvement with mankind to that of the
Angles in the Bible. The Grays are more predominate in the U.S. but
wasnt always so.
Early Encounters: Contactees and Space Brothers.
In the study of the Nordics one must also study the Contactees who
first expounded on these "Aliens". In their study we begin to see a
real connection.
In the Early 50's normal tall 6'-6'5" Nordics were seen by what was
then called Contactees in the U.S. The differences from abductions
that Contactees experienced daylight visits as well as in the night.
Their encounters are, in most cases fully remembered without the
experience of "lost time" and memory masking.
The image most people get of a contactee is that of some eccentric
individual with a weird message. As we begin to study the background
of some of the more famous early contactees, you will see this is a
You cannot mention Contacteess without mentioning George Adamski. He
achieved national fame when he began to have visits from the "Space
Brothers" who wanted him to be their spokesman. They told him they
were from Venus. They stressed the importance of ceasing nuclear
testing and living in peace and harmony. Their message of peace was
a theosophical view. Once he overheard the space brothers speaking to
each other in fluent German. Being from Poland, he spoke some German,
and easily recognized it as such. When he questioned the brothers
answered that they spoke all the languages of earth, although they
didnt give an example. He also took sharp clear pictures of their
spacecraft. Skeptics claimed the photos looked like a manufactured
Chicken Brooder. Further investigation discovered that the brooder
manufactured after Adamskis photos. The owner was inspired by the
photos and fashioned the brooder to look like Adamskis pictures!
is never mentioned is the fact that Adamskis saucers are identical
the alleged captured Nazi blueprints. His images are also consistent
with other popular sightings of the time.
Followers of his, at the time were surprised that Adamski had
and opportunity afforded to him, comparable to what a Government
official would enjoy. It was discovered that Adamski had pre-war
connections with American Fascist leader of the "Silver Shirts"
William Dudley Pelley. The American Nazi group began their operations
in 1932. Pelley was interned during the War. After the war Pelley
started an occult group "Soulcraft" and published a racist magazine
called Valor. He wrote a book in 1950, Starguests. Adamski and Pelley
were involved together in the I AM cult group whose roots go back to
the early days of Theosophy and include beliefs in the hollow earth,
alien contact and of course Theosophy. To the general public, he was
very eccentric, to say the least, and did much to discredit the
seriousness of UFO research. In spite of his way out manner, some
truths and experiences might be in his midst. Adamski may be a part
a consistent patter to confuse and discredit real truths. By having
accurate information disseminated through created unreliable sources
such as Adamski, truths are made unbelievable. Then, by giving false
information to established legitimate sources a lie is made
acceptable. Adamski could have been one good example of this kind of
ploy. With a Nazi/Occult connection to his past, he helped lay a
foundation for the Nordic "space brother" and their message or
and hope.
Jack Parsons
Another early contactee with Nordics includes Scientist, Jack Parsons
who met the so-called Venusian saucer in the desert in 1946. He is
creator of solid rocket propellant fuel and went on to become one of
the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Houston and the
Aerojet Corporation. Hardly a small time quack. Jack was a member and
leader of the Agape lodge. This was the American chapter of Aleister
Crowleys Occult group, Ordo Templi Orientis, based in England .
Aleister Crowley was a world-renowned occultist and Satan worshiper.
Prior to the war, he met Adolph Hitler and continued correspondence
with him. It has been said that Crowley was everything from a Nazi
to a double agent working for the allies. There is unclear evidence
for both rumors but every indication is that he was involved in
spying. One of Jack Parsons early United States contacts with the
Agape Lodge was a man code-named as "Frater H." He had a close
association with Jack Parsons and led him to believe that he had come
into contact with the same higher powers that Crowley himself came
into contact with, in Cairo in 1904. Interestingly enough, a drawing
of this higher power is the image of the typical "Gray". This
association of Parsons to Frater H later proved to assist in his
downfall. They shared a joint banking account of which Frater H. took
the money and wound up marrying Parsons girlfriend. By 1952 Parsons
now referred to himself as Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal Antichrist. In
his home laboratory he dropped a vial of fulminate of mercury and
in the resulting explosion. Jack Parsons was a man with a
life filled with great achievements. Parsons was hardly the
stereotypical contactee as depicted by supermarket tabloids. Yet his
personal and spiritual life was filled with the occult, deception and
yet another possible Nazi connection. He also paved the way for the
L.Ron Hubbard a.k.a. Frater H.!
Frater H., the man most responsible for leading Parsons into this
madness was himself a claimed contactee of the Nordics. His real name
is none other than the well-known Ron L. Hubbard, Science-fiction
writer, Author of Dianetics and Founder of the Church of Scientology.
His sphere of influence today in America is renowned. Many movie
stars, intellectuals and social elite are ardent followers of his
"Church". Recently his "Church" is suffering persecution in Germany.
believe because of all people, the German people have heard this line
before and recognize it for what it really is!
Daniel Fry
Another contactee, Daniel Fry saw his first encounter with early
"Nordics" in 1950. He was an employee of Aerojet. This small handful
of people did much to influence the perception and image of the
type occupant as the friendly alien.
Other early Contacts:
People were experiencing all during the 50s and early 60s sightings
without "lost time" or regressive memory techniques. In 1957, Everett
Clark of Dante, Tennessee reported German speaking saucer people who
landed in a field outside his house. Apparently, they were trying to
quiet or catch his dog. This event was later considered a hoax. He
charged in a crime of fraud, which indirectly involved trying to cash
in on the incident. However, the day before, Reinhold Schmidt,
Kearny Nebraska, claimed he was taken aboard a Flying saucer. He
still speak some German, taught by his parents. The crew spoke German
and behaved like German soldiers. Mr. Clark would have no way of
knowing about this other event. It probably really happened but by
deceitfully using the situation for personal gain, he discredits the
whole matter. The saucer was described by both to resemble the
type saucer. See photos.
First Documented Modern Abduction.
In 1961, the first "modern" abduction case with lost time, retrieved
by hypnosis, was recorded from events experienced by Betty and Barny
Hill. In one of the recorded secessions, Barney states in an almost
panicked voice that he sees a "Captain" with the little Grays. Asked
how he knew he was a Captain, Barney states, because of his hat and
uniform. He then stutters and exclaims with fear as if suddenly
recognizing the uniform, "Hes a Nazi." Later, this is explained by
many, avoiding the implications, that while in a hypnotic, suggestive
state the individuals own imagination can interpret some parts and
fill in the blanks to complete the story. I personally believe this
be true. It is for that and several other factors, I see hypnosis as
an unreliable information source. In this context, however it is too
consistent with other stories to entirely dismiss as imagination and
is worth mentioning.
Recent Nordic Contacts
The more recent contacts with "Nordics" have stated that they are now
from the Pleiades. Their recent chosen contactee and spokesman is a
Swiss farmer by the name of Billy Meir. The information given through
Meir along with his many photographs and movies have stirred up much
controversy. Many skeptics and believing investigators have
scrutinized all of this. It is claimed that while some investigators
tried to reproduce the Meir photos, Meir got them mixed up with his
own. Some photos have been debunked and his credibility on the most
part has not withstood the controversy with most serious
investigators. From Gary Kinders book about Billy Meir, Light Years,
Atlantic Monthly Press 1987. He points out that whatever you might
think about Billy Meir, one puzzle remains. A Swiss farmer with a
fifth or sixth grade education described in his writings, technology
and an understanding of the cosmos beyond his means. These concepts
were dictated from a "Nordic" named Semjase. He included
about a Tychyon propulsion system, healing methods, celestial
mechanics and advanced medical equipment. At the time of his
in the early 70's, much of this information was a theoretical concept
known only by a handful of experts working in specific research and
development programs. In a pattern that is the same but opposite of
the Bibles spreading of the gospel, the Apostles Peter and John while
expounding on the teachings from the scriptures with profound insight
and were a marvel as they were perceived as not being learned or very
sophisticated. Billy Meir may indeed be a "chosen" one to proclaim
wonders of this New Age deception. The Pleiadians proclaim that
another World War is inevitable. The only way to prevent it is a
spiritual change from within. Of course, the gospel they proclaim is
Theosophical one. Their idea of a change is each individual becomes
their own god from within. The spiritual emphasis of their message
many drawing a comparison to angels. This concept however is in
opposition to what the Bible declares. And we are further warned that
contrary messages of this type are from a messenger of deception, an
Angel of light. 2 Co 11:14,15, Gal
Another interesting fact is that the name of Billy's contact Nordic,
Semjase. Semjase is the same name of the head fallen angel that led
the Genesis 6 intermixing with humans before the flood according to
the non-canonical book Enoch 1, which is quoted by Jude..
Angelic Intervention? Historical Intervention of Legendary
As I have already stated, the popular consensus with most UFO
investigators is that these are the "good guys". They have compared
their intervention with mankind to that of angels, noting that
historical representation depicts them usually as fair-haired
beautiful Caucasians. Also noted is their enemy a serpentine,
reptilian creature. (Grays) Now we are beginning to see the set up
good alien/bad alien. John Carpenter a well-known investigator quotes
Revelations 11in his video tape, Centuries of Contact, MSW/LCSW 1997.
He describes this war in heaven as being with Michael the archangel
(depicted as a blond hair, blue eyed, handsome man), and the dragon
The similarities are unquestionable. From a variety of occult
channeling and hypnosis (by the means of contacting other entities
through a person) this state of war is described by the "Pleaidians"
but not mentioned by the "Grays".
With this comparison, we have the "heavenly war" of the Bible,
transformed into a sci-fi inter stellar struggle. Good Angel/Aliens
against Bad Demon/Aliens with man in the middle forced to choose
and highly motivated to unite as one on earth.
History abounds with White spirits, gods, or masters from the Heavens
It is more than just a coincidence that throughout history many
cultures have had encounters with a White Spirit or White masters
the skies. Their visits have coincided with a sudden boost of
advancement in their societies. The following is a list of some of
historical and or mythological events of inter-reaction with man and
white gods from the heavens.
1. Ancient Sumeria - The Anunnaki (meaning, "Those who from heaven to
earth came." Described as white gods from the skies. They were
attributed to giving the written language, sciences and building
technology. Word etymology is shared with the Biblical Annakim.
(Numbers 13:33) These were the sons of Anak, the same giants and
genetic link to the "fallen ones" of Genesis 6. Big, bad, white guys
with a bad attitude! The Anunnaki of Sumerian mythology are said to
have come from heaven, but now live underground.
2. Mesopotamia - Ahura Mazda, meaning spirits of knowledge were
described as "white spirits" that flew in a shiny disk. Ahura Mazda
appeared to Zoroaster, who was told he was the one true God. (Always
depicted wearing the German Knights cross) Part of their religious
practices included human sacrifice.
3. India Asura, has the meaning as the white gods of the wind. They
gave understanding of ancient knowledge. Vishinu the third deity of
the top godhead is to come back on a white horse. Ancient Vedas
describe a pre-flood world, filled with aircraft called Vimnas
in aerial combat, missile launches, and descriptions of nuclear war
with fallout and radioactivity.
4. South America - Viracochas are interpreted as the White Masters
from the skies. They were described as bearded white gods who came
from the sky and promised to return. They gave astronomy, building
skills, the calendar and culture to the Incas. They were said to have
built the ancient ruins of Tiahuanacu in one day with a magic
They are depicted as riding in a vehicle in a reclined position
holding controls of some type. Part of their acquired culture also
included ritual human sacrifice.
5. Mexico - Quetzalotal, meaning white feathered serpent god whom
from the skies. He is said to have come from a seven star system.
Coincidentally the Pleiades are a seven star system. He gave them a
calendar as accurate as our atomic clock, knowledge of celestial
mechanics and astronomy beyond their means. He left by sea back to
earthly home Tula. Tula according to Aztec legends was a place of the
sun, which was now frozen over, and the sun disappeared. Tula is a
variation of Thule the mythical Aryan capital of the inner earth
opening is claimed to be in the Antarctic! He promised to return. The
Aztecs mistook Cortez as fulfilling the return, which proved to be
their downfall. Religious human sacrifice was also a common practice
in their culture.
6. America - The Hopi Indians encountered the Bahana. Bahana means,
"white brother" from the skies. The Bahana gave them spiritual
understandings of a theosophical nature.
There seems to be quite a lot of involvement for a policy of non-
intervention! Much of this intervention would appear to have little
do with the rest of the cosmos. What about the prime directive
A Celestial Trademark sign?
An interesting connection to these cultures that claim contact with
various white gods, brothers and masters, is the common use of the
Swastika. Only the Assyrian and Egyptian cultures do not use this
symbol. However they do use the German Knights Cross-. These icons
primarily used as a "good luck" and fortune symbol. Is this just mere
coincidence? The consistency is just to amazing to discount as
Could this symbol be the "white gods" own icon. Are the encountered
peoples reproducing them to signify their own good fortune and "luck"
for the benefits they have received from their encounters? Certainly
not doctrine or anything conclusive, but the supposition does have
Stories behind the symbol
From their own tales pieces may come together.
The Pleiades, is a seven star cluster being part of the constellation
of Taurus, the Bull. The bull has always been symbolic of Baal,
or Baalzebub. These deities were forbidden in both Old and New
Testaments as objects of worship and identified as Satanic in nature
and accompanied by human sacrifice.
The Dippers
Other seven star systems are the big and little dippers. In occult
circles they are called the "plough". In this sense the instrument of
Theosophy as taught by Madame Blavatsky says that at the center of
North Pole is the location of pure Atma. Atma she claims is an energy
conscious soul, she also calls the gate. This in part is where New
Agers of today get the idea of Gia or Mother Earth as a living
creature. This gate or axis has other cultural legends as common as
the flood story. In all the stories the common theme is a center
location for an opening to other worlds, dimensions and realms. To
true Nazi initiates the Axis powers meant more than others could even
begin to understand.
The Swastika: the symbol of Gravity?
The symbol of the swastika according to Blavatski depicts the flowing
in or out of this Atma power. The left-handed swastika is presumed to
be the clockwise rotation and depicts the flowing in of the Atma
at the North Pole. It prophetically describes the Aryan exodus from
the inner earth via the North Pole. The right-handed swastika (the
the Nazis used) is presumed to be the counter-clockwise rotation
depicts the flowing out of the Atma power from the opening at the
South Pole referred to as the "Pit". This reverse sign is also the
Wheel of the Black Sun.(The SS or storm troopers are also from the
Order of the Black sun hence the black uniforms). This also
prophetically depicts the Aryan return to an inner earth via the
Pole or the Pit. This pit" may be the same pit mentioned in the
in Revelations 17!
This centripetal and centrifugal motion is said to preserve harmony
and keeps the universe in steady unceasing motion, including the
on its axis. The swastika displays this action. This "Atma" power
that holds this action together in the physical realm is what we call
gravity! In this sense the swastika displays the power of gravity!
four winds as gravity and the harnessing of a power only dreamed of.
Adolf Hitler understood this meaning behind the swastika. The final
decision to make the arms of the swastika show the right-handed
counterclockwise movement was not based as the myth goes, revealing a
negative evil meaning opposed to the other cultural uses of the
clockwise swastika. In most of the cultures, the arms go either way.
Even the early use by the Nazi party, used both movements. Hitler
a final decision based on what he determined to be observed from
looking at the skies from the Aryan capital of Thule from before the
This as being located at the opening in the North Pole. Taking into
account of a shifting of the earths axis with a change in the pole
star from Draconis to the present day Polaris we get these images.
By the visual actions of the clockwise and counter-clockwise
of the little and big dippers you can see both icons that were used
the Nazis. Interwoven within the "Nordics" own statements are the
connections to Theosophy and the Nazi agenda. This almost prophetic
symbolism runs true to the pattern of the same but opposite satanic
pattern after the workings of God. This was also the occult symbolism
of the Nazis never understood by the rest of the world. The
consistency is uncanny and probably more than just mere coincidence.
The swastika: The symbol of the return of the sons of god?
It is possible that the symbol of the swastika was an icon of the
"sons of god" and their offspring before the flood. It represents
symbol of the power and secrets given to man by these fallen angels,
the power and control of gravity!
The return and popularization of this ancient symbol in recent times
could indicate the prophetic return of the son's of god in the form
the Nordic.
Will the real Nordics please stand up?
By their own words, they have finally decided that they are from the
Pleiades. The Pleiades is a seven star system symbolic of Baalam of
Lucifer. They consistently proclaim Theosophy as their world-view,
both spiritual and natural. Sometimes they speak German. They, like
the Grays, dont always tell the truth. (i.e. their origin). Their
symbols, if any, have been winged serpents or stylized swastikas.
Their actions of non-involvement include the creation of myths and
legends throughout history and in all cultures. Supernatural evidence
is left behind by the planting of knowledge and technology beyond the
cultures own capabilities. The theology proclaimed to the ancients is
that of Theosophy in various forms but consistent. Not one aspect is
in harmony with the cosmology and world-view as described in the
Bible. This kind of inconsistency is warned of in the Bible.
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto
you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Gal 1:8
According to the Bible, and their own words, appearance and actions
is not so hard to surmise just who these Nordics are. There may be
several origins to these guys.
1. The German speaking normal 6' to 61/2' Nordics (commonly seen in
the 50's) are probably the Nazi soldiers in developed German disks
that were based in the new fortress of defense in the Antarctic.
2. The tall 8' Nordics are probably the subterranean decedents of
Cain. They were sentenced to wander in the land of Nod east of Eden.
In the Hollow earth section we find that Eden, defined by the Bible,
is actually inside the earth. Nod then, the land of wandering is also
inside the earth. These "talls" are the real kings of the east (Rev
16:12) and part of the return of the giants of Gen 6! They are also
part of the wandering error sent to deceive mankind who does not
believe the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:11- delusion means wandering
error). The same ones with the power of the "Vril" who Hitler
were genetic relations which he sought an alliance with.
3. The prophetic scriptures in Dan 2:43, Isaiah 14:9+29, 26:14,
Gen6:4, Job 26:5 and Rev 13:15 describes a genetic hybridization and
resurrection of the fallen angels and their offspring who are now
disembodied spirits. They will once again appear like flesh and blood
humans to again deceive mankind. The fallen angels in reptilian form
will also receive a "shell" to crossover and hide in as mentioned in
Isaiah 14:29. Their purpose mentioned by Jude is to disrupt the
affairs of men and lead us into a deception.
"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old
ordained to this condemnation,.." Jude 1:4
Although described as men, Jude further defines them with non-human
definitions. "Clouds without water" "twice dead" "wandering stars, to
whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever." These are not
humans. A cloud cannot be a cloud without water, because clouds are
composed of water. Water is also symbolic of the spirit. This object
does not have one. It is only an "Image" of the real thing." Twice
dead", means it is spiritually dead but must also have once been
physically dead! A wandering star is a fallen angel and nothing else!
In context Jude includes that Enoch also warned about these same men.
Enoch warned about the sons of god and their deceptions, not bad
This last group might represent all of the races so as to infiltrate
all of humanity. Thus might explain why only a very small amount of
other races are abducted with "genetic experiments" performed. The
main objective is an invincible Aryan army repackaged as good angel
A Future Nordic Intervention?
It is claimed that George Washington had a vision of America in three
parts. The first two accurately described the conflict and outcome of
the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. The third and last part is
yet to happen. This story of this vision was first published in the
National Tribune in 1818. There were no documented disputes to the
article when it was published. However, there also was a lack of
verifiable evidence to the source. The best of researchers can only
find a third party source which amounts to nothing more than a rumor.
In spite of the lack of source evidence this vision has been widely
accepted by many. It was considered serious enough to be quoted by
Gary Allen and Larry Abraham in their well known book, None Dare call
it Conspiracy. Many other patriotic literature has since published
this vision. Do not let the cries of skeptics or the lack of evidence
keep you from understanding the importance of this vision. True or
the story is widely published and commonly accepted by many. This
makes the third part of this prophecy, a seed planted into the
American mind regardless of any disputes of authenticity. As Hitler
wrote in Mine Kamph,
"Truth is not what is; truth is what people believe it to be"
Here is the third part of this prophecy as given by an angelic
to George Washington before our independence.
... " Again I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the
Look and learn." At this, the dark, shadowy Angel placed a trumpet to
his mouth and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the
ocean, he sprinkles it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes
beheld a fearful scene; from each of these countries arose thick,
black clouds that were joined into one. And throughout this mass
gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hoards of armed men, who,
moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America,
which country was enveloped in the volume of cloud. And I dimly saw
these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn villages,
and cities that I beheld spring up. As my ears listened to the
thundering of cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of
millions in mortal combat, I again heard the mysterious voice saying,
"Son of the Republic, look and learn". When the voice ceased, the
dark, shadowy Angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth and
a long fearful blast. Instantly, a light as of a thousand suns shone
down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark
cloud, which enveloped America. At the same moment the Angel upon
whose head still shown the word "Union", and who still bore our
national flag in one hand and the sword in the other, descended from
heaven attended by LEGIONS OF WHITE SPIRITS. These immediately joined
the inhabitants of America who I perceived were neigh overcome, but
who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks
renewed the battle. Again amid the fearful noise of conflict, I heard
the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn."
the voice ceased, the Angel for the last time dipped water from the
ocean and sprinkled it upon America, the dark clouds rolled back,
together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of
the land victorious."
I believe the speculative point is well made here for the future
assistance and intervention by these same "white spirits" . In light
of September 11th, 2001 this is not so far fetched. In our pursuit of
terrorists we may incur the wrath of the rest of the world. We have
do what we must to defend ourselves. But we may just be innocent
playing into the hands of those desiring a global state. If we are
ever faced with this scenario the question will be, "Who are these
white spirits?" Some will see them as deliverers and bearers of a
Age" for mankind. Others will see them as the wandering error, the
image of the beast, deceivers from before the flood...the return of
the sons of god.
Salvation from the skies?
The above scenario, may be the way the Nordic is re-introduced into
the world. Hitlers dream and vision of the Aryan as the "new man"
the object of worship might be realized in this repackaged
presentation. No longer a message of blood and race but one of
philosophy and spirituality. The Aryan becomes the friendly deliverer
from the stars. He assumes the ancient perceptive role as the angels
of old, the legends of the white spirits and the hope for mankind.
It is no small wonder that New Agers seek contact with their
"guardian angels" and "spirit guides", with a form of worship and
adoration directed toward them. Even the Catholic Church with their
Saint and Angel worship crosses over the line. The scriptures are
quite clear in that:
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus;" 1 Tim 2:5
Our entire history is filled with the sudden appearance of heavenly
messenger- white spirits. The undeniable evidence of their reality is
found in what knowledge and technology was left to impact the
encountered cultures. Their messages and spiritual truths are in
direct conflict with the Bible. The many warnings in the Bible of
sudden appearances in the skies bearing this contrary message should
raise the brow of any unbeliever or skeptic. The signs of the return
of these sons of god reflective of the time just before the flood
should be taken seriously when investigating anything regarding UFOs
Aliens and their agenda. Someday man may be forced by events to ask
not so much who the Nordics are, but in contrast to them, Who is
Christ. Your personal answer will have eternal consequences.
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not
the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. II Th 2:11-12
If you will not believe the truth of the Bible, you will believe the
coming big lie!
Bibliography for Chapter "Aliens" Grays, Hybrids ,Nordics and Misc.
1.Unholy Alliance: by Peter Levenda 1995 Avon Books
Dudly Pellys belief of Aryans as descendants of an alien master
Aleister Crowley s encounter with Awiaz pg 97
Hitlers quote about seeing the NEW Man pg 149
Aztec belief of "White God from Tulla - pg 163
Hitlers complete quote about rebuilding Man pg 177
Hitlers quote about the God-Men as an object of worship Pg 203
2.Arktos: Joscelyn Goodwin Adventures unlimited Press 1996
Blavatskys Polar descriptions accepted and understood by Hitler pg
Pole reversal making Pit place of prominence _ pg 136
Symbolic Pole Myth- Pg 147-149
3.The Sign: by Robert Van Kampen Crossway Books 1992
Coming world catastrophe (Theosophical view) pg 210,211
Hitlers quote about the man-god to be worshipped (image of the
4 The Occult Connection: U.F.O.s Secret Societies and Ancient
Gods :.
by Ken Hudnall Omega Foundation 1990
Contactees encounter with German speaking "aliens" pg 139
Adamski/Pelly connection-pg198+199
5.The Occult Conspiracy: by Michael Howard Destiny Books 1989
Crowelys Nazi influence while in America pg 133
Crowely and Hitler pg 135
6.Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes by George C. Andrews Illuminet
Press 1993
ParsonsRon L. Hubbard joint venture+ accident pg 116
Crowleys encounter with LAM -pg117
Linda Moulten-Howells story about Greys and Christ - 167
Greys alledged pact with US govt. - 168
Greys :harvesting of genetic material and bood 168
Greys use of religion as control device on mankind - 173
Underground complex strange experiment claims - 199-205
7.An Alien Harvest by Linda Moulton Howe LMH Prod. 1990-1997
Human mutilations - pg 60
John Keels Hypnotic pawns and another group trying to alert us.
(Good Alien, Bad alien scenario) -pg129,130
Quote from John J Dalton The cattle Mutilations, about human race is
an experiment with another group trying to set us free. (Good Alien,
Bad) pg 131,132
Alleged Air Force official Richard Dotys declaration of US Alein
- pg135,136
Alleged Govt Doc on Alien Crash recoveries with bodies- pg 149
Grays origin- underground colony on earth - pg 150
Grays creating Jesus - pg 151
Grays and Nordics conflict - pg 152
Grays claim reincarnation for humans - pg 155
Grays physical description - pg 159-163
Written Grays language similar to Hindu and Tibetan - 193
Grays claim to create all of earth's religions - pg 296
Abduction scenario - pg297
Bovine blood used for Humans, Chromosomes match pg 111
Typical cattle mutilation- pg 4,65
8.Extra-Terrestrials Among Us by George C. Andrews Llewllyn Pub
Ancient India Vishuna Purana - pg 49-51
Babylon - pg 51.52
Ancient Grecian Incantation ( to the great bear, big dipper Const) pg
Cattle Mutilations typical description - pg181, 209
Human bovine compatibility - pg 231,232
Grays description - pg 241-245
9.Behold A Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper Light Technology Pub.
Crash and recovery of craft and alien bodies - pg196,197
Alien (grays) using all religions to control mankind , earth on eve
destruction - pg 212
MUFON and the many UFOlogists as Govt opps. - pgs 22 8-230
10.Light Years by Gary Kinder Atlantic Monthly Press New York 1987
Billy Meier on Pleiadians agenda - pgs 184,185
Meiers explaination of propulsion drives of Pleiadians - pg186,187
Kinders conclusions: - pg263-265
11.Alien Discussions (Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference
held at Mit, Cambridge, Ma. 1992 by Andrea and David Pritchard, John
E. Mack Pam Kasey, Claudia Yapp: Editors North Cambridge Press 1994
"Good and Bad Aliens" - pg 69
Warnings and prophecies - pg 72
12.The Gods of Eden by William Bramley Avon Books New York 1990
Nazi belief of Aryan ET origin - pg 95
South Americas Viracohas "white masters" huge white men from the
heavens - pg 95
Hindu vedas concerning Et gods - pg 97
Swastikas possible origin - pg 100,101
13.Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery Fawcett Crest Books New York
"Channeled" message to Thelma Terrel known as "Tuella" (her space
name) about "Project World Evacuation" Pg 43
Montgomerys own channeled message about a coming shift and
evacuation. - pg-219
14.Alien Impact by Michael Craft St Martins Paperbacks 1996
Aliens warning of coming disaster and evacuation - pg 225
Alister Crowleys contact with "entities" - pg 258,
Jack Parsons Alien contact Babylon Working project and Death - Pg
1. Centuries of Contact John S. Carpenter 1997 Carpenter Research
Layout: Kory R. Johnson
2. UFOs and Paranormal Phenomena 1996 Produced by Juhann af Grann
Dist Madacy Inc.
3. UFO Diaries Republic Pictures 1995
4. Sightings The UFO Report 1995 Paramount Pictures Prod Henry
5. UFOs A need to know 1991 Eyes Only Video
6. From Beyond: Strange Harvests 1988 1995 LMH Prod. Dist Simitar
7. The Alien Files: UFO Investigations 1995 Brentwood Home Video
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of
light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be
transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be
according to their works." Apostle Paul 2 Co 11: 14-15
The Vril Society, Aliens and the Coming Master Race
Source: UFODigest.Com
URL: www.ufodigest.com/news/0909/vril-society.php
Click the following link to watch Joe Jordon's talk in Roswell New
Mexico July 2009
"UnHoly Communion: The Spiritual Nature Of Abduction Reports"
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