Hybrid Angel
2008-06-06 20:38:50 UTC
A Pragmatic Philosophy
Hybrid Angel/Messenger
Neanderthal: 99.5 Percent Human
By Ker Than, LiveScience Staff Writer
posted: 15 November 2006 01:01 pm ET
The findings also appear to refute speculations by some scientists that
Neanderthals and humans interbred in more recent times. "We see no
evidence of mixing 30,000 to 40,000 years ago in Europe," Rubin said.
"We don't exclude it, but from the data that we have, we have no
evidence that pages were ripped from one genome and put in the other."
That's not true.....
We believe we were the Neanderthal. If we are 99.5+% their genome
then it is the dominant genome within.....WTF.....?
We ALL have, ALL of their genes, which makes us, a genetic
Intelligence doesn't evolve. It comes from the gene of a parent.....
EVERYONE knows that.....
The "Missing Link" of Darwin.....an Ape from whom we could
have inherited intelligence....never surfaced.....to become
intelligent modern man.....
The missing link is here.....
....."And Cain knew his wife"....
Cain interbred with us, the Neanderthal. We disappeared and
reappeared as the intelligent offspring of Cain. His genome made
us what we are today. A modern, premeditating, cold blooded,
murderous, intelligent race....of savages......
The Neanderthal were around for 700,000 years to 60,000.
Never got any smarter, nor prettier. It took 30,000 years for
the hybridization to complete, with Cain's offspring, Lamech.
"We see no evidence of mixing 30,000 to 40,000 years ago in
Europe," Rubin said. "We don't exclude it, but from the data that
we have, we have no evidence that pages were ripped from one
genome and put in the other."
Cain's offspring were the Neanderthal. "Pages <from Genesis>
ripped from one genome, and put in the other", 30/40,000 years
ago. The HUGE jump to Modern, intelligent, man......
And then Seth was born. So 'his' mother and father must have
been put on ice. "One day with the LORD is as a thousand
years, one thousand years as one day." HaShem's, Kingdom
time. Do you see a hierarchy in play......?
One drawback of hybridization is, that truism includes HaShem.
Who else could hybridize an entire race.....?
If it were an accepted as fact, that we are a species of hybrids.
The religious hierarchy would have too accept the truth in the
Torah. The Almighty God of Abraham. It would change
everything we think we know. ALL organized and unorganized
religion would be down the toilet. And ONE Almighty put in
their place....
And the Kingdom will appear. Legions of angels will alight......
All differing cultural legions, who interacted with our ancient
And finally.....the Christ, ushered in......
Holy Moly...how do I know, to come up with this shit.....?
"I know who it is, God"....
I believe he saw and heard me in secret when I claimed the
markings for Him circa 1953, approx two years AC. <After
Today I, we, and you, know it's the Almighty God, HaShem.......
"Weather, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as man has
never seen before." (Essentially....The Weather Channel....)
Incredible weather we're eXperiencing. Our Gov, screwing
with the Jet Stream.....?
Tornadoes R Us! And counting. Record numbers so far......
All due to the approaching meteor/comet.......
It's going to get worse....before it gets better......
Hybrid Angel/Messenger
Neanderthal: 99.5 Percent Human
By Ker Than, LiveScience Staff Writer
posted: 15 November 2006 01:01 pm ET
The findings also appear to refute speculations by some scientists that
Neanderthals and humans interbred in more recent times. "We see no
evidence of mixing 30,000 to 40,000 years ago in Europe," Rubin said.
"We don't exclude it, but from the data that we have, we have no
evidence that pages were ripped from one genome and put in the other."
That's not true.....
We believe we were the Neanderthal. If we are 99.5+% their genome
then it is the dominant genome within.....WTF.....?
We ALL have, ALL of their genes, which makes us, a genetic
Intelligence doesn't evolve. It comes from the gene of a parent.....
EVERYONE knows that.....
The "Missing Link" of Darwin.....an Ape from whom we could
have inherited intelligence....never surfaced.....to become
intelligent modern man.....
The missing link is here.....
....."And Cain knew his wife"....
Cain interbred with us, the Neanderthal. We disappeared and
reappeared as the intelligent offspring of Cain. His genome made
us what we are today. A modern, premeditating, cold blooded,
murderous, intelligent race....of savages......
The Neanderthal were around for 700,000 years to 60,000.
Never got any smarter, nor prettier. It took 30,000 years for
the hybridization to complete, with Cain's offspring, Lamech.
"We see no evidence of mixing 30,000 to 40,000 years ago in
Europe," Rubin said. "We don't exclude it, but from the data that
we have, we have no evidence that pages were ripped from one
genome and put in the other."
Cain's offspring were the Neanderthal. "Pages <from Genesis>
ripped from one genome, and put in the other", 30/40,000 years
ago. The HUGE jump to Modern, intelligent, man......
And then Seth was born. So 'his' mother and father must have
been put on ice. "One day with the LORD is as a thousand
years, one thousand years as one day." HaShem's, Kingdom
time. Do you see a hierarchy in play......?
One drawback of hybridization is, that truism includes HaShem.
Who else could hybridize an entire race.....?
If it were an accepted as fact, that we are a species of hybrids.
The religious hierarchy would have too accept the truth in the
Torah. The Almighty God of Abraham. It would change
everything we think we know. ALL organized and unorganized
religion would be down the toilet. And ONE Almighty put in
their place....
And the Kingdom will appear. Legions of angels will alight......
All differing cultural legions, who interacted with our ancient
And finally.....the Christ, ushered in......
Holy Moly...how do I know, to come up with this shit.....?
"I know who it is, God"....
I believe he saw and heard me in secret when I claimed the
markings for Him circa 1953, approx two years AC. <After
Today I, we, and you, know it's the Almighty God, HaShem.......
"Weather, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as man has
never seen before." (Essentially....The Weather Channel....)
Incredible weather we're eXperiencing. Our Gov, screwing
with the Jet Stream.....?
Tornadoes R Us! And counting. Record numbers so far......
All due to the approaching meteor/comet.......
It's going to get worse....before it gets better......