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2009-12-31 22:17:17 UTC
Sábado, 26 de diciembre, año 2009 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador – Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

¡Felices Pascuas y Prospero Año Nuevo 2010 a todos!, en el nombre de
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Happy Hanukkah in these High Holidays to everyone, in the name of the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 for everyone everywhere, in
the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen!


The name of our heavenly Father is a strong tower these days: the
righteous run to it and are safe from Satan’s sins and terrible
powers. This is the ancient all-powerful name that is hidden in
perfect righteousness and greatness within the sacred flesh and
atoning-blood of the wonderful and victorious life of His Rebbe,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who
has the power of not only to forgive our sins but also to bless us
mightily each day and forevermore.

Those that invoke His holy name are never disgraced before Him,
regardless of their religious backgrounds or sins but, instead, they
are exalted in His presence so they may bear witness within their
hearts and entire lives to others that the God that they serve is a
powerful God that can bless and set them free from their daily
troubles. In the invocation of our heavenly Father’s glorious name,
many in the past as well in these days have received power from heaven
not only to erase all their sins from out their lives eternally but
also to solve problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even death
bound to hell too, believe it or not.

For the reason that, at the mention of this glorious name, whether
this is done by angels in heaven or by men on earth, then devils from
everywhere in paradise (as the serpent, for example), on earth and
including the bottomless pit, hell, have to stop what they are doing
to bow down to it immediately with reverence and fear. Angels in
heaven bow down to our heavenly Father’s holy name, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, at the mention of it by anyone, on earth, paradise or in
any other place thus to honor and glorify it instantly within their
hearts, minds, and angelic spirits, because this our heavenly Father’s
initial command to them to bow down to Yeshua HaMoshiach’s name.

Moreover, the same is true for Satan and his fallen angels—here—the
only difference is that they cannot glorify much less honor our
heavenly Father’s name, however, nonetheless, they stop what they are
doing by default to bow down to it with powerful respect and fear
within their inner beings. In the past, whenever the fallen angels
came across Jesus Christ, then they would bow down to him immediately
by saying: We know who you are—you are the Holy One of God! You are
the Holy One of Israel—you are the King Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and the only One that can save Israel and human kind from
the power of Satan and his lies!

However, our Lord Jesus Christ commanded the fallen angels to be quiet
at once, and not to tell to any one who he was for the children of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in heaven and all over the earth, for it was
the work of the Holy Spirit of God to announce his glorious name to
the masses everywhere. (Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ as the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, for Israel and the nations commanded to the
fallen angels not to say what they knew about him to any one in Israel
or in anywhere else, because the announcing of his all-powerful and
saving name was never given to them but to men only all over the

Therefore, as the angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubs and other holy
creatures glorify and honor the invocation of our heavenly Father’s
very respectful name, then new blessing begins to come down from
heaven, as the initial celestial-manna of the desert for everyone, so
we may receive comfort from the Holy Spirit of God, in moments of
great need within our lives. And since the devils have nothing to do
with this glorious name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth within Israel or
anywhere else around the world, then they just have to abandon what
they are doing to return to their place of torment in hell—and this is
how people become free every day and everywhere from all of Satan’s

Truly these are very powerful moments within our hearts and every day
lives as we continue to invoke our heavenly Father’s holy name
because, not only angels are exalting and honoring our Lord and
savior’s name but also Satan and his fallen angels have to bow down to
this glorious moment of worship and reverence to our heavenly Father’s
name. And when Satan with his wicked devils stops doing their usual
evils against innocent people, as yourselves, your loved ones and even
friends, then problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even deaths are
delayed or stopped altogether, this is a moment of great miracles
because when nothing human could stop Satan and his devils, then the
invocation of Jesus Christ’s name can.

This means that your heart, mind, body and entire life begin an
instant process of healing when you invoke our heavenly Father’s holy
name within your heart and lips; the pain that is agonizing you,
undeniably, is gone within your life to the place from where it came
to you, the bottomless pit, hell. Indeed, the adversities and
hardships disappear slowly but surely or completely with great
urgency; the infirmities or diseases are gone also never to come to
you again, because Satan with his devils is too busy bowing down to
our heavenly Father’s holy name, and they cannot standup again unless
they are permitted to do so.

Truthfully, this is the precious and glorious name that our heavenly
Father has entrusted wholeheartedly to His holy Angel Son-Messiah, the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the savior of Israel and of the nations of
the entire world these days and forevermore in eternity, so you may be
blessed with healing righteousness and supernatural powers each day.
In history, this is the all-powerful name of our heavenly Father that
not only liberated Israel from the Egyptian captivity but also took
them across the desert into the Promised Land, so they may serve and
worship Him all the days of their lives with the name of His Rebbe,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above.

Furthermore, this holy name is above other names in heaven with angels
and on earth with men, so you may defeat not just any one from both
worlds above and below, but also in hell thus for you to solve your
problems, difficulties, infirmities and even death within your life
and the lives of your loved ones each day and forever. Therefore,
there is power, wonderworking power, within your life and the lives of
your loved ones, in our heavenly Father’s holy name, His Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only savior possible for
Israel and the entire human race, so you may lift your eyes to heaven
and give a smile to Him that lives forever and ever!

These days, those that invoke our heavenly Father’s ancient holy name
of His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,
then they have power in heaven and on earth, so they may not only
escape their sins and Satan but also to receive every blessing of
health and wealth from heaven and earth every day of their lives.
Indeed, our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name is a strong tower
around the clock in heaven and on earth: There, you with your loved
ones and friends will find refuge and protection from Satan’s wilds,
sins, and unbelievable deceptive lies, so you may live and smile again
with great joy and happiness within your heart before our heavenly
Father in heaven.

Without delay, invoke our heavenly Father’s holy name these days, so
Satan with his wicked devils may bow down before you thus for your
problems, difficulties, infirmities and even death may begin to fade
away from within your life and of your loved ones, as well. Because,
with our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name living within your life,
thanks to Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s every day ever-present working
atoning-healing blood for you and for everyone else on earth, then
your name is above Satan’s name with his wickedness, lies, problems,
difficulties, sins and death every day of your entire life on earth
and in eternity forever.

Meaning also that Satan with his wicked devils can never have their
names above yours again in this life nor in the next one to come
forever, again thanks to the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord and
savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, living within your heart and entire
life thus to fulfill all truth, Law and justice eternally. Truly to
live a life on earth above Satan’s name and his wicked followers
everywhere, then your are indeed living a very happy life already,
because Satan and his fallen angels, does not matter how powerful they
may be on earth or under it, they are eternally lost under the sole of
your feet these days and forevermore in eternity.

These days, if Satan and his wicked devils are under your feet, it
will be because you are a tower with Jesus Christ living within your
heart and entire life on earth and in heaven forever and ever. Then
Satan with his immoral devils will never be able to stop a single
blessing from heaven much less touch or hurt you, because our heavenly
Father’s Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, is a strong tower against all of
his hidden wilds and from his wicked followers too everywhere on earth
and hell forever.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father’s holy name living within your life,
thanks to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, then you are living in another
world of every day miracle and great wonders for you, for your loved
ones and for your friends as well, because your strong tower on earth
just as it is in paradise, indeed, is the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach! Up
till now, only the righteous of our heavenly Father run to him time
and time again, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, thus to find refuge
and safety from the eternal enemy of God, Satan and his lying tongue,
so they may live and never die in this life or in the next one to
come. Amen!

(The following books are powerful to read again for your entire human
spirit enrichment, so you may live blessed by our heavenly Father and
His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, each day of your entire life on earth
and in heaven as well as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
where everything is eternal true, love, glory and peace for


At once, revere our heavenly Father’s righteous name, and then you
will have power in your life always: You will become a new man, a new
woman or a new child filled with the Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments totally fulfilled and glorified within the holy life of
the Son of righteousness, the Son of David, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
Jesus Christ is the Son of righteousness for Israel and for the
nations of the entire world, for the ever-increasing glory and honor
of our heavenly Father and of His Holy Spirit in the heart, soul,
body, mind and human spirit of every man, woman and child in this
generation and for future generations to come, as well.

These days, for those that revere my holy name, then the Son of
righteousness will rise with healing in his wings for you and for
everyone else everywhere. And you will go out with great joy in your
hearts and leaping like calves release from the stall, because our
heavenly Father is in you for blessings, healings and eternal life for
you, for your loved ones and even for your friends as well, everywhere
around the world.

Then you will trample down the wicked, because our heavenly Father’s
name will be with you all the time for blessing and life; indeed, your
enemies will be ashes under the sole of your feet in the day that our
heavenly Father will do these things before you, for the glory and
honor of his eternal blessed name. Therefore, remember always the Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments received initially from Moses that was
given to him at Mount Sinai’s summit, so Israel may have them for life
and blessings without end in this life and in the next one to come as
well, for all eternity to come.

Truly, our heavenly Father is looking forward continuously for the
hearts of men, women and children to revere His holy name that dwells
in perfect righteousness within the sacred flesh and atoning-blood of
His Angel Son-Messiah, His eternal living Lamb, the Son of David, The
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the Son of righteousness for Israel and the
nations as well, forever. Indeed, each time you invoke our heavenly
Father’s holy name, then the Son of righteousness, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, will come running into your heart to shine more powerfully
than the Sun from our solar system, so that everything that is
darkness within you may undeniably turn into light forever, for the
glory and never-ending honor of His majestic name.

Because, where there is darkness then our heavenly Father’s name
cannot be there for any one at all—and those that live in darkness
each day of their entire lives are those without a doubt that do not
know within their hearts and life the Son of righteousness, His
personal high priest and Lamb for the atoning-blood. However, when you
invoke our heavenly Father, then He will come to you with His all-
powerful name, so His Son of righteousness may not only dwell within
your heart and entire living soul, but also he will be within you just
to bless your life every step of the way back into paradise and back
into His arms in heaven.

This means also that when you invoke our heavenly Father’s name not
only the Son of righteousness will definitely come into your life,
filled with blessings and wonderful new promises from Him and His Holy
Spirit, but also he will ensure that every problem, difficulty and
infirmity within your life and the lives of your loved ones are
defeated eternally. That is the supernatural power and authority that
our heavenly Father invested within the life of His eternal Son of
righteousness, Yeshua HaMoshiach, who indeed holds perpetually within
his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood His all-powerful name in perfect
eternal righteousness, so you may defeat Satan’s wilds each time they
may come against you and your loved ones, anywhere around the world.

For the reason that, each time you invoke our heavenly Father’s all-
powerful name not only you will have His personal attention, but also
the attention of the Son of righteousness, who in turn is filled with
the supernatural powers and authorities from the Holy Spirit that
descended initially from heaven to subdue all darkness (Genesis 1:2),
so you may be free everlastingly. Therefore, in these days, if you
invoke our heavenly Father’s name thus to revere it within your heart
and entire life, then the Son of righteousness, who is for certain the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach bearing His holy name will come to you
immediately, so you may not only escape Satan’s sins, but also you may
begin to enjoy your brand-new celestial-life.

For this is the celestial life that your heart, soul, body and human
spirit know very well not only to live it joyfully as angels do in
heaven every day, but also to begin to love our heavenly Father within
it through the wonderful life of His Son of righteousness, who will
guide you every step of the way into more victories. Truly this is the
life that you are to be living not only in paradise these days but
also here on earth, so you may give glory and honor to our heavenly
Father’s holy name always through the wonderful and glorious presence
of His Son of righteousness, the Son of David, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

This glorious life is, indeed, the one that our heavenly Father sent
to you initially, so you may possess it these days, for the glory and
everlasting reverence to His magnificent name through the wonderful
and supernatural life of His Son of righteousness, who faithfully
comes into your heart and entire life every day with healing in his
wings. Moreover, our heavenly Father sends His Son of righteousness
into your life not only because you need him, but also because you are
his son on this earth just as He has angels in heaven, so you may
adore and revere His holy name each moment of your entire life on
earth and in heaven as well, forever and ever.

With our heavenly Father’s holy name living within your heart, thanks
to the presence of His Son of righteousness, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, then you will go out everywhere with the joy of salvation
within your heart and thus leaping with powerful gladness, because
Satan is not longer influencing your life so he may attack and destroy
you forever. If truth be told these days, you are more powerful than
all your enemies on earth and in hell too, like Satan himself with his
fallen angels, because our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name is here
on earth to stay with you forever, thanks to the wonderful mediating
work that our Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ, has done for

These days, you have power to trample down your wicked and heartless
enemies anywhere around the world, because the Son of righteousness
dwells within you with our heavenly Father’s holy name thus not only
to protect you from Satan’s wilds, but also to bless and heal you
around the clock, so you may enjoy life as angels do in heaven. Truly,
your enemies have no power over you, if you invoke our heavenly
Father’s holy name nowadays thus to come into your immediate aid, so
Satan may not only be defeated with his problems, difficulties,
infirmities and death, but also for each one of your loved ones and
friends as well, and this is true everywhere around the world

Therefore, remember our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments all along, do not forget to read and utter it with your
lips in His divine presence, because each time you do, then you are
making His Son of righteousness even greater within your heart and
entire life as well, for the glory of His majestic name everywhere on
earth and in heaven. That is to say, also that each time you read and
confess the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments with your lips in our
heavenly Father’s presence, then you are indeed revering His Son of
righteousness within your entire life, so His holy name may begin to
release His wonderful miracles and good promises for you and your
loved ones forever.

(The following books are powerful to read again these days, because
they can get you closer to our heavenly Father’s righteous name as
never before, and all thanks to His Son of righteousness working and
advocating for you as always in heaven for forgiveness, for blessings,
for healings and for eternal life, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the
Son of David!)

(Carta del cielo)


This is my holy Angel Son-Messiah before you, the Rebbe, Melech
HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ the savior, the bright morning star: Indeed,
he is my faithful eternal representative in heaven with angels and
with men on earth. He bears my name within him, for he is undeniably
the only eternal righteousness possible for all the holy things in
heaven and on earth forever and ever, that is to say, also that there
is no one righteous then he to bear my holy name from eternity into
eternity in perfect everlasting purity and everlasting sanctity. He is
the Greatest! (See: Exodus 23: 21)

Therefore, listen to my Angel Son-Messiah and follow his instructions
meticulously, for he will not forgive your sins nor he will bless you
in your wickedness and rebellions, our heavenly Father warned the
Hebrews thus to follow him always as the way, the truth and the life
throughout the desert and their entire lives until the end of times.
And since that day, our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah began to
lead Israel out of Egypt and through the lifeless desert thus to
introduce them not only into the Promised Land but also into the brand-
new heavenly Jerusalem, promised initially for the love of His holy
name to their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Then our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ
himself, commanded strictly to Israel to worship and serve our
heavenly Father only all the days of their entire lives on earth and
in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above for all eternity to come,
so all things may go well with each one of them and their children,
forever. For that reason, the most important God’s Angel said to the
Hebrews, worship and worship that is the key to blessings and life
eternal: Worship constantly our heavenly Father and His blessing will
be with your food and drink day and night of your entire life wherever
you may live on earth and in heaven as well, forever in eternity.

Moreover, our heavenly Father will remove from you sickness and
disease, what is more none will miscarry or be barren among you within
your homeland, for the glory and honor of His majestic name within you
and your King Messiah, the Son of David, the true savior for Israel
from Egypt’s captivity, by the overwhelming power of his atoning-
blood! Indeed, He will give you a full life span that will know no end
in this life or in the next one to come in the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above, where our heavenly Father’s tree of life reigns
supremely over every one angel and man alike, forever and ever in all
eternity to come.

Truly, our heavenly Father will be with you all the time, do not
matter what the enemy may do or say, He will remain faithful
nonetheless to you, because you are the worship and glory of His
majestic name on earth and in eternity as well, forever and ever,
through the glorious blissful-life of His personal King Messiah, Jesus
Christ! For when you worship our heavenly Father’s majestic name, then
all Satan’s darkness that is full of sickness, diseases, problems,
difficulties, curses and death on your food and drink will flee far-
off from you, your loved ones and friends thus never to come back to
you for any reason at all forever on earth and in eternity, as well.

Upon this, now our heavenly Father’s blessing will be with you each
moment of your life, just as they are with His holy faithful angels in
heaven that adore and honor His name every moment of their entire
celestial lives, and this is true ever since the day the power of His
supernatural words created them in their eternal glories. Therefore,
to worship our heavenly Father’s name each day of our lives, indeed,
this is to serve and honor Him on earth and in heaven forever, because
His majestic and all-powerful name is with us thus to bless and
protect us from Satan’s powers and his wicked daily followers from all
over the earth, and even beyond eternity, as well.

Then, there is power, wonderworking power, to worship our heavenly
Father’s name within our hearts and lips, so He may bless us with His
kindness and wonderful powers of His Holy Spirit that also loves us as
well, since even before He created us in His hands, the creator of the
heavens and earth with all their things in them. In good time, our
heavenly Father sent His Angel Son-Messiah to be Israel’s only high
priest, so he may lead them not just out of Egypt but also across the
Red sea and the desert, feeding them along the way His living-bread
and water of life, the exquisite-celestial-manna, so they may live
blessed and never die cursed eternally into hell.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only possible
high priest for our heavenly Father’s holy name, so His name may not
only bless greatly every faithful angel from heaven above, but also
for every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations of the
entire world, as well. In truth, since the days our heavenly Father
set the Hebrews free from the Egyptian bondage, then they were to
worship and serve Him strictly with His holy Angel Son-Messiah living
next to them each day, so they may become different people, different
from the nations’ peoples that surrounded them from everywhere, for
the glory and honor of His name.

Moreover, when our heavenly Father liberated them from their terrible
Egyptian bondage, then He not only gave them freedom but also the
living temple of His name thus to bear His name, and this is His
beloved Son Jesus Christ, His personal Angel Son-Messiah, who was to
be with them ministering faithfully through the desert and into the
Promised Land. That is to say, also that where the name of our
heavenly Father is on earth and with His people, then there he is also
as His living temple for His holy name and His Holy Spirit, and this
is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, these days the only righteous One
possible for Israel and the nations of the entire world.

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ not only is the temple of
righteousness in heaven for angels and on earth for men, because he is
our heavenly Father’s true representative and bear of His holy name
perpetually, but also that he is His personal Messianic-Angel and,
indeed, the only true begotten Son, bearing eternally His glorious
perfect atoning-blood for eternal life. Truly, since the beginning of
things in the heavens and on earth, our heavenly Father has never sent
anywhere His holy name without His faithful Angel Son-Messiah, because
He cannot take any chances with His name to be alone in the heavens
with angels or on earth with Israel and the nations, so it may not be
offended/desecrated ever.

Meaning that each time that our heavenly Father’s holy name is invoked
for any reason at all within the heavens by angels or within earth by
men, then His Angel Son-Messiah is the first one to respond
immediately to that call thus to make sure that our heavenly Father’s
sacred name is glorified and exalted always by everyone. Really, this
is the main concern from our heavenly Father’s holy Angel Son-Messiah,
the Son of David, thus to see that His name is always exalted and
honored within the hearts, souls, bodies, minds and human spirit of
every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the
nations, just as with the angels in heaven, for example.

That is to say, also that whether you know it or not, each time you
have invoked our heavenly Father’s holy name, then His Son Jesus
Christ was the one that responded to your desperate calls, so he may
bless and heal your life, the lives of your loved ones and even of
your neighbors, as well, without doubt. These days, this applies
always to all people, whether you are Hebrew or Gentile, from Judaism
or any other religion (or religions) of the entire world, our Lord
Jesus Christ will respond immediately to the calls of our heavenly
Father’s name, because he is the only true bear of His holy name
everlastingly on earth and into eternity to come.

Meaning also that our heavenly Father’s holy name will bless you
greatly by responding to your calls, because He has to honor and exalt
His name within your life, your loved ones and even of your friends,
and this is when His Angel Son-Messiah comes to you as His
representative and as the Son of David, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father has not changed
altogether since ancient days to these days, because each time that
anyone invokes His name, then it is His Angel Son-Messiah that
responds to the Hebrews or Gentiles everywhere as His righteous/
blameless representative or Son of David thus to bless them regardless
of their religious background or sins.

Indeed, our heavenly Father’s name is not concerned of the peoples’
belief, religious backgrounds or sins: He is only concerned that His
name is honored and exalted always within the holy and glorious life
of His Angel Son-Messiah, the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ,
Israel’s true savior and the nations from Satan’s lying powers and
eternal wickedness, hell! Therefore, these days each time you pray or
intercede for yourself, or for someone else, for whatever reason, then
our Lord Jesus Christ is the one responding to your prayer,
intercession or invocation to our heavenly Father, just as in ancient
days, so he may do things for you and your loved ones wherever they
may be around the world.

Truly, it was each time, indeed, our heavenly Father’s consecrated
Angel Son-Messiah blessing the food and water of the Hebrews in Egypt,
through the desert and into the Promised Land as well, for the glory
and honor of His majestic name, so they may live a peaceful and well-
blessed life before Him and the nations of the entire world. For this
was the way, the true and the life that our heavenly Father wanted to
manifest to Israel and the nations thus to worship, honor and glorify
His holy name within their hearts, minds, souls, bodies and human
spirit each day and forevermore, and this was His holy Angel Son-
Messiah, Jesus Christ himself working for His name’s everlasting

Furthermore, the same is true these days, our Lord Jesus Christ is
still the One responding to all calls to our heavenly Father’s name,
because he is not only his personal representative in heaven for
angels and on earth for men, but also he is the One that bears His
name within His holy atoning-blood in perfect righteousness for
eternity. Our heavenly Father’s holy Angel Son-Messiah is initially
King of Salem, the King of righteousness for Him and His beloved ones,
angels in heaven and men all over the earth, beginning with the house
of Israel, for example, because the promise of salvation was granted
to their ancestors first, and this is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with
their children everywhere.

Therefore, if you are in need from anything, whether this is healing
for any problem, difficulty, infirmity or even death, and you invoke
our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name, then it is our Lord Jesus
Christ responding to your calls each time, whether you are a Hebrew or
Gentile, truly—there is no difference entirely for Him with anyone on
earth. And this is true these days whenever His name is invoked by
angels in heaven or by men on earth, indeed, it is His Angel Son-
Messiah responding faithfully and without any hesitation to the
invocations for the name, so our heavenly Father may be exalted on
earth by men, just as He is exalted by His faithful angels in heaven.

Truthfully, this was Moses’ personal-secret whenever he invoked our
heavenly Father’s name, it was God’s begotten Son responding to his
calls each time, and this is the Son of David or Jesus Christ, the
tree of life in paradise, on earth and in the brand-new Jerusalem from
heaven above, so His name may be honored properly each time and
forevermore. Meaning also that if you think that our heavenly Father
is going to release His name without any protection altogether, then
you are making another terrible mistake, because His name is so holy
and it needs to be protected from you and everyone else as well, and
this is why Jesus Christ comes faithfully with His name to you

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father’s holy name will never
leave the holy presence of our heavenly Father without His Angel Son-
Messiah to go anywhere within the angels in heaven or with all men on
earth, so it may not run into any danger from Satan’s usual attacks,
for example, thus to dishonor the integrity of His name. Indeed, this
is our heavenly Father’s holy name that the Hebrews received initially
from Him over the Sinai’s summit protected and glorified within the
precious Holy Spirit from the atoning-blood and messianic life from
His begotten Son, the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ, the only
possible savior for Israel and for every nation of the entire world,

In other words, our heavenly Father will never trust the glory and
integrity of His holy name to any angel in heaven or to any man,
woman, or child on earth without the perfect protection of His Angel
Son-Messiah’s righteousness, so Satan may never approach it thus to
attack it and pronounce lies and profanities against His name’s
consecrated glory. Moreover, without this glorious name from our
heavenly Father, then our Lord Jesus Christ could not begin to do
anything for Moses much less for Israel and the entire world, and the
same continues to be true these days with all the nations as well, for
the ultimate glory and honor increase worldwide for our heavenly
Father’s majestic name.

That is why that it is important that you invoke our heavenly Father’s
name within your heart and lips, so Jesus Christ may descend upon your
life, just as he did as the celestial-manna that gave to eat and drink
within the hostile and barren desert to the Hebrews, so they may make
it alive into the brand-new extraterrestrial-Jerusalem, heaven! Then,
it was our heavenly Father’s holy name within the atoning-blood of His
Angel Son-Messiah, the temple for righteousness in heaven and on
earth, which really began to make things change in favor for Moses and
for the Hebrews, so they may begin to prepare to escape the wilds of
their enemies in Egypt and the entire world too.

Therefore, these days if you need anything from our heavenly Father,
then He has to send to you His name dressed with His Angel Son-
Messiah’s ancient-holiness as usual, so He may bless you mightily with
celestial-and-terrestrial powers through the blissful-life of His Son-
Messiah, since he is not only His personal representative but also
executes/activates His all-powerful name for more glories to come.
This also means that the Hebrews did not only have Jesus Christ
through Moses’ faith and consecrated-life for the liberation from the
Egyptian bondage, but also Jesus Christ was the way, the truth and the
new life to cross the Red sea, so they may begin their humanly
impossible journey through the lifeless-desert into the Promised Land,
for God’s new-glories!

Truthfully, without Jesus Christ’s daily manifestation, then the
Hebrews could have never had had our heavenly Father’s holy name to
bless and protect them from the Egyptians’ wilds and the every day
Satan’s destructive attacks upon their lives, but also they could have
never had crossed the Red sea much less walk the desert towards Canaan
to possess it eternally. Moreover, after our heavenly Father granted
the Hebrews not only His all-powerful name through the blessed
presence of His Son-Messiah over the Sinai’s summit, then He also gave
them to eat and drink every day from His heavenly-manna, Jesus Christ
Himself, so they may all have not only their hunger and thirst
satisfied continuously but also His holy name’s approval/

Honestly, if our heavenly Father’s holy name is not satisfied with the
celestial-manna, our Lord Jesus Christ’s personal righteousness,
within the angels’ hearts and of men’s too, then His name cannot
remain within us not even for a single moment more, because it begins
to yearn in hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ’s perpetual
righteousness and holiness to survive peacefully. That is to say, also
that if you really want to have our heavenly Father’s all-powerful
name living within your heart and life, so He may bless and protect
you always from Satan’s powers of lies and terrible deadly-deceptions,
then you must have had to have received Jesus Christ’s righteousness
also as your personal King Messiah Savior for your eternal-soul.

Essentially, with our heavenly Father’s holy name invocation comes
automatically attached to it Jesus Christ himself within as usual thus
to bless and protect you from your enemies wicked powers, such as
Satan and his devilish-followers from the earth, that is to say also
that our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name without Jesus Christ will
not do anything for you ever. Therefore, this was another reason why
our heavenly Father gave the Hebrews to eat and drink faithfully from
His celestial-manna, so not only Jesus Christ’s righteousness would be
within them each moment of their entire lives, but also that His holy
name may remain alive and well within their hearts and within the Ark
of the Testimony, as well.

For our heavenly Father’s consecrated name was also within the Ark of
the Testimony along with the heavenly-manna, Aaron’s staff and the
Commandments, because Jesus Christ’ immolated-body is the Ark’s
Testimony as well forever within Israel, so they may have abundant
righteousness and life in any barren and desolate place, full of death
and destruction of the desert or beyond. Truly, everything with the
Hebrews and our heavenly Father’s name was Jesus Christ’s holiness,
the perfect combination for salvation, eternal glory and peace, that
is, it was Jesus Christ our heavenly Father’s name with them each day
of their entire lives, within the Egyptian captivity and through the
desert into the Promised Land for eternity to come, into the brand-new

If truth be told, our heavenly Father’s holy name within the Hebrews
could have made not only the Red sea into a walking dry ground for
people to walk through it into the other side, but also it could have
made the entire Egyptian desert into a one gigantic sabbatical-
paradise not only for the Hebrews but also for the nations. That is
our heavenly Father’s sacred name overwhelming power manifested within
His Angel Son-Messiah’s righteousness that cannot only wrought
miracles, marvelous works and great signs in heaven and on earth, as
it did in Israel’s fight to liberate themselves from bondage, but also
it could have made the entire desert into a wonderful-and-glorious
sabbatical-paradise for everybody, that is, if obeyed properly.

Meaning that our heavenly Father would have done with the Hebrews in
the lifeless-desert the same thing (and even greater things) than what
He did with His holy name within Jesus Christ His Son and Moses His
servant, so not only they may know the love of His glorious eternal
life, Jesus Christ himself, but also the nations likewise everywhere.
Truly, this is exactly why our heavenly Father’s holy name not only
came to liberate the Hebrews from their Egyptian captivity, but also
to give them the everlasting holy unfailing-love from Him and His
glorious Holy Spirit, and this is His beloved Son Jesus Christ the
eternal temple for righteousness for His precious all-powerful name
forever, into all eternity.

In other words, our heavenly Father’s holy name descended from heaven
over the Sinai’s summit, so not only Moses may have His all-powerful
name, but also the eternal grace and unfailing-love of His dear Son
Jesus Christ, so they may escape Egypt’s captivity into a brand-new
Promised Land that belongs not only to Him but also to His Son,
forever. And, in these days, our heavenly Father calls you to honor
and glorify His holy name that dwells within His Angel Son-Messiah’s
eternal purity and righteousness, so you may not only be forgiven from
your sins but also write your name in His book of life, thus for you
to live blessed each day on earth and forever in paradise.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father’s hourly personal
concern is that you may call on His holy name, so His Angel Son-
Messiah may descend upon you and bless you greatly with his eternal
righteousness in anything that you may need from Him and his blissful-
well-to-do eternal life for His brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
for example. These days, as in the ancient days, our heavenly Father
waits patiently for you and your loved ones to bless infatuated with
love His sacred name, because when you bless His name, then you are
indeed blessing the blissful-rich and well-to-do Messianic-life from
His Son to everyone, within your life and the lives for those you love
dearly within your heart.

Meaning that each time you bless His Angel Son-Messiah, His Rebbe,
Melech HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ, then you are blessing the
perfect holiness for His majestic name on earth for humankind and in
heaven for His faithful angels, so His blissful-life may smile and
bless you and your loved ones with its glorious well-to-do endless
blessings from His perfect-heart. Do not fail to remember ever to
bless His Angel Son-Messiah’s holy never-ending righteousness, and if
you do, then you will be blessing His glorious name on earth with men
and in heaven with His close-angels, so darkness may die and His light
may shine within you and within your loved ones as well, these days
and forevermore in eternity. Amen!

(Cartas del cielo)


Holy Father protect them by the power from your all-powerful name, the
untouchable name you gave me, so they may be one just as we are one,
our Lord Jesus Christ prayed to our heavenly Father when he was about
to ascend to him, leaving, like this, his disciples dispersed all over
Israel and the world, as well. This is the holy name that our heavenly
Father entrusted to the Son of David, so he may be able not only to
take the Hebrews out from Egypt but also across the Red sea dry ground
and through the desert into the Promise Land, for them to serve Him
only with His name living already in his perfect everlasting

Truly, this is our heavenly Father’s living temple where His holy name
lives in the eternal righteousness of His Angel Son-Messiah, the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, so the Hebrews may serve and honor Him every
day—what is more, this is the Promised Land for His living temple to
manifest openly His all-powerful name to Israel and worldwide to the
nations. For this is the land that our heavenly Father not only
chooses to reign over Israel and the nations, but also it is where His
begotten Son would be born from King David’s virgin daughter’s
conception thus to give us the sinless flesh, unbreakable bones,
atoning-blood and life from Jesus Christ with His all-powerful saving
name for eternity to come. (See: Exodus 23: 21)

Beyond doubt, this is when our heavenly Father manifests powerfully
the glory of His Angel Son-Messiah to Israel by letting them know that
he did not only have the power to punish them for their sins and
rebellions, that is, if they fail to listen and obey him, but also
that His name dwells within him perpetually to forgive sin. That is
why that our Lord Jesus Christ told the modern Hebrews, just as he
spoke to their ancestors in the desert, by saying to them openly: If
you do not believe that, I AM THAT I AM is speaking to you, then you
will die in your sins to be lost eternally in the world of the dead,

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ spoke like this to Moses and the
Hebrews of the desert and later to their children in the Promised
Land, and this time he did it in his perfect flesh, unbreakable bones,
atoning-blood and holy life’s saving power-and-authority, because
within him our Father’s saving name dwells in righteousness, so they
may believe and live everlastingly blessed. Indeed, this was the
overwhelming power of faith within Abraham’s heart and entire life to
pass on to future generations, thus to believe that within the heart,
bones, blood and priesthood life from King Melquisedec dwells for him
and his children our heavenly Father’s name, in perfect sanctity and
righteousness, for blessing and everlasting salvation for the
worldwide-reaching human spirit.

Moreover, for this was the reason that our heavenly Father sends His
Angel Son-Messiah to manifest himself to Abraham not only as the King
of Salem, but also as His personal high priest for righteousness to
his descendants, so he may eat initially from His saving-name for
salvation, by partaking of the living-bread and the wine from the
Lord’s Supper. This Lord’s table was prepared diligently by
Melchisedec himself and his angels right outside the holy hill’s
summit of Salem, present-day Jerusalem, so Abram and his men may eat
and drink with him, just as later he will eat and drink with his
apostles the same heavenly-manna, so our holy Father may begin an
eternal salvation-pact with Israel for the nations.

From then on, Moses knew very well that our heavenly Father’s holy
Angel was, indeed, His holy Angel Son-Messiah for Israel and the
peoples of the nations, so they may know Him face-to-face through the
presence and holy life of His King Messiah for the glory and honor of
His name all over the earth, forever and ever. That is why that our
heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, said to
his apostles, why do you ask me to show you the Holy Father? Truly,
whoever has seen me indeed he has seen the Father.

So, do not ask me to show you the Father anymore, because, He is in
me, and I am in Him. Moreover, He and I are One in heaven and on earth
within you, for the brand-new Jerusalem to come into eternity for
those that love and serve His name within me each day of their lives,
just as the angels do in heaven, since the day they were created just
to believe in His name that dwells within me perpetually. (Truly, the
same Melchisedec that Abram saw face-to-face, indeed, is the same one
that Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, David, the disciples and all ancient
Israel and so on saw as well, for example, at the transfiguration:
Moses and Elijah appeared speaking face-to-face with Jesus Christ, and
the apostles John and Peter witnessed this historic event, so people
may know salvation.)

This is the most powerful secret for each angel, archangel, seraphim,
cherub and other holy creatures in heaven that they all believe as One
faithful heart in our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name that dwells
in perfect righteousness within His ancient everlasting temple, His
Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the Son of David, our high priest and savior
Jesus Christ of Nazareth! That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ
manifested not only to Moses but later to his disciples as well, by
affirming that if they had faith as small as a mustard seed then
nothing would be impossible for them everywhere forever and ever;
truly, nothing is impossible for him that believes that God’s name is
me everlastingly.

These days, all things are possible too for those that believe within
their hearts and confess with their lips that our heavenly Father’s
temple is His Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the Christ, bearing His all-
powerful name within him forever and ever for celestial angels and for
men all over the earth, paradise, and beyond the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above. Moreover, this is our heavenly Father’s name that
dwells in perfect endless sanctity and glory within the heart, body,
and Messianic-life of His beloved Angel Son-Messiah in heaven for
angels and on earth for men, so they may walk in perfect holiness
before Him on earth and in eternity, just as He called initially
Abraham to walk respectfully before Him.

Likewise, our heavenly Father called Abram to have His Supper outside
Salem, today’s Israel, ministered primarily by Melchisedec, so he may
eat and drink His holy name by partaking of the blessed living-bread
and the cup of wine, which is, indeed, the eternal atoning-blood pact
between him on earth and our heavenly Father in heaven, for all
eternity to come. Truly, Abram had to eat and drink from our heavenly
Father’s all-powerful name holiness and perfection, by eating and
drinking from the holy flesh and atoning-blood of the King of
Righteousness himself, David’s Son, Melchisedec, the only one that
truly serves continually the celestial-manna to everyone everywhere,
so people may cease to hunger and thirst for truth and justice

What is more, this is exactly what our heavenly Father did with the
Hebrews in the desert, after granting them abundantly at Sinai’s
summit on the third day His personal Holy Spirit for the Ten
Commandments: Thus, behind the scenes and without delay, He fed them
each morning, including Saturday, for instance, the food and drink for
faithful angels. Additionally, this is that He allowed the King of
Salem, Melchisedec himself, to release from heaven the same living-
bread and the same wine that he initially ministered from the Lord’s
Supper outside Salem to Abram and his men, so they may enter into an
eternal pact of love and peace to His name with Him on earth for

Truly, this is salvation at best, here we have our holy Father not
only allowing His King of Righteousness to feed Abram and his people
with living-bread and the wine, which are, indeed, the flesh and
atoning-blood for the initial eternal pact that He began with Abram,
but also He is feeding his children as well each day and continuously.
This is the Son of David’s holy saving life that our heavenly Father
did not only offer abundantly to Adam and Eve in paradise to eat and
drink from, for example, but also to his children all over the earth,
beginning with Abraham the father of many nations on earth and in
heaven for all eternity to come.

That is to say, also that since our heavenly Father gave to eat and
drink from His fruit of life to Adam and Eve in paradise, and even
though they rejected His glorious salvation-food initially, He
continued nonetheless to offer it to everyone else everywhere until
Abram ate and drank from it outside Salem and from His Son’s hands,
Melchisedec! This Lord’s Supper was indeed Israel’s beginning, because
when Abram ate from the heavenly flesh and drank from the cup of the
atoning-blood from the Lord’s Supper, or tree of life, Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, then the Son of David’s messianic-life began to exist on
earth and with Abraham’s children, starting with Isaac, so Israel may
become an eternal nation.

On this historic day, Abraham ate and drank, without hesitation, from
our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name that exists ever since
eternity in perfect harmony, glory and righteousness within His Angel
Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the only possible existing
savior for Israel and for the entire human race these days and
forevermore in all eternity to come. That is to say, also that if you
have any problems, difficulties, infirmities, then you must invoke our
Holy Father’s all-powerful name that also has your name written down
within the heart of His living temple, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach,
the Son of David, so Jesus Christ may come into your aid at once
anytime and everywhere around the world.

For this is the true living power for truth, Law, justice and eternal
righteousness for those that believe within their hearts and confess
with their lips our heavenly Father’s glorious name that dwells in
perfect righteousness for miracles and great wonders within His living
temple, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord, high priest, Lamb and
savior for our living souls forever! Truly, there is no one greater
than our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah that not only represents
Him and bears His holy name powerfully everywhere, but also he is the
essence of His righteousness, for His loved ones as angels and men all
over His never-ending creation: earth, paradise, and the brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above, where His peace reigns supremely.

So, when you call on our Lord Jesus Christ’s name, indeed, you are
calling upon our heavenly Father’s temple to come into your rescue
with His majestic name full of powers and authorities to assist you in
anything that you may need from Him every day of your entire life on
earth an in heaven, forever and ever. These days, our heavenly Father
still blesses every man, woman and child from all the nations,
beginning with Israel, because He wants everyone filled to the fullest
of His Holy Spirit that brought His Angel Son-Messiah to Israel, but
also brought the end for sin and restore blessing without end for
every heart, soul, mind and human spirit for civilization.

That is why that our heavenly Father is still waiting patiently these
days for you to obey and follow His Angel Son-Messiah, just as He
called initially the ancient Hebrews from the desert to do in their
way to the Promised Land and for all eternity to come also, so you may
have your sins forgiven forever in eternity. And this means to you and
to everyone else everywhere around the world the assurance of a
blessed life that will never know any limits about anything in this
life or in the next one to come, for the glory and honor of His
majestic name may shine within your life and the life of others these
days and forevermore.

Therefore, our heavenly Father is telling everyone everywhere these
days, the same that He personally told the Hebrews in the desert on
their way to Canaan, and this is that they must obey His glorious name
living within His Angel Son-Messiah, His everlasting temple for
righteousness for the entire human race, forever and ever in all
eternity to come. Because, our heavenly Father must glorify and honor
His all-powerful name within your entire life, so He may not only
defeat Satan’s lies and wickedness within you but also within everyone
else around you thus for darkness to die and the light of His blissful-
life from the tree of life may shine into all the corners of the whole

For the reason that His almighty name has power and authority not only
to destroy every darkness from within the life of everyone everywhere,
but also His name can change the sinful world of darkness into the
glorious never-ending light for eternal life, so everything within the
earth may change into a glorious paradise that will never know
darkness, forever. That is to say, also that to change your heart,
body and human spirit, including problems, difficulties, infirmities
and death, it begins within the smooth-spoken invocation through
prayer for our heavenly Father’s holy name, so His Angel Son-Messiah
may begin to execute each of His marvelous miracles and great works
within your entire life and for your loved ones, likewise.

For there is wonderworking supernatural powers of authorities and
great miracles for your entire life, reserved for you since the
creation of the heaven and the earth within our heavenly Father’s
untouchable name that dwells within His ancient temple in perfect
righteousness, His Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
Therefore, you may also say that our Father grants you abundantly (or
without limit) His all-powerful name that angels adore each day, so
you may be born again, not with Adam’s and Eve’s problems,
difficulties, infirmities and death, but from His Angel Son-Messiah’s
blessed flesh, unbreakable bones, atoning-blood full of life, health
and eternal blessings, on earth and in paradise, forever.

So, there is wonderworking supernatural powers and authorities waiting
for you patiently within our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name that
dwells in perfect holiness within His Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ
of Nazareth, His everlasting temple for service, honor, respect and
worship, in heaven for angels and on earth for humankind these days
and forevermore in eternity. Truthfully, there is wonderworking
supernatural powers from our heavenly Father’s holy name each time we
may invoke and honor it within our hearts, souls and minds, so His
Angel Son-Messiah may bless and enrich greatly our days on earth and
beyond in eternity for His brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
where angels with men glorify His temple and name perpetually.

For this is the reason that our heavenly Father not only created each
one of us within His holy name, but also in His image and according to
His likeness, so we may adore and exalt His name repeatedly not much
as angels do since eternity in heaven, but as His Angel Son-Messiah
does from eternity to eternity, for example. That is why that you are
important to our heavenly Father’s heart and eternal unfailing-love,
indeed, you were created first within His holy hands thus to mold you
in His beloved Angel Son-Messiah’s image and according to his
likeness, so you may adore His majestic name these days and within the
glorious brand-new eternity to come, as well.

Therefore, since your creation our heavenly Father waits for each one
of you, individually, thus to worship and serve His name living within
His Angel Son-Messiah, and this is just as His faithful angels serve
Him since their creation, so He may receive more glory and honor on
earth as He receives it spectacularly in heaven these days. That is
why also that our heavenly Father sends His beloved Angel Son-Messiah
to be born from David’s virgin daughter, so He may not only give us
the holy flesh, the unbreakable bones, and the atoning-blood for
eternal life and blessings but also, above all, His all-powerful name,
so you may serve and honor Him through His name in eternity.

In other words, our heavenly Father’s holy name came into our lives
thanks to Israel’s Holy of Holiest in the desert, and in these days
with the virgin birth, the consecrated messianic-life to the Law,
crucifixion outside Jerusalem’s holy hill, death with two eyewitness
next to him, resurrection on the third day, so Israel may be saved
finally for eternity. And this is why that our Lord Jesus Christ is
extremely important within our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human
spirit, so we may not only fulfill properly our heavenly Father’s will
within our lives, but also we may be able to learn properly how to
serve and worship Him through His holy name each day of our entire

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father gave us initially His
tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest with Moses and Israel’s twelve tribes, so
we may not only eat and drink daily from His celestial-manna, but also
that we may learn slowly-but-surely how to receive and embrace His
majestic name within His precious King Messiah’s blissful-life, Jesus
Christ of Nazareth! More exactly, beginning with Israel’s escape from
captivity, our heavenly Father granted us to have His Angel Son-
Messiah’s glorious spiritual life, so we may also have His all-
powerful name thus to serve and honor Him each day of our entire lives
on earth and in the brand-new celestial Jerusalem, where we will live
eternally joyful in our original blessed homes/mansions.

For our heavenly Father’s good promises are for those that serve and
honor Him each day of their entire lives on earth through, like Abram,
for example, His all-powerful name that dwells in perfect glory and
rectitude within His Angel Son-Messiah, so we may know goodness and
blessings all the days of our lives on earth and in heaven, forever.
And our heavenly Father’s will within our every day life on earth,
just as it is in heaven with His faithful angels, for instance, it is
to be always joyful for His Holy Spirit’s goodness, so not only we may
serve and honor His holy name within His Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, but
also the nations everywhere in the same way.

That is why that it is important for our heavenly Father that not only
Adam and Eve may receive within their hearts His temple for His
majestic name, but also Israel with the nations everywhere, so He may
turn on His lights within the human spirit, making Satan’s darkness
disappear, thus turning the world into an eternal terrestrial paradise
forever. That is to say, also that the tabernacle’s Holy of Holiest,
where only Moses anytime, or the Levite high priest once a year, could
access it, it was, indeed, Israel’s desert temple or synagogue, just
as these days evangelical-temples everywhere, where our heavenly
Father’s majestic name lives within the Ark of the Testimony or His
personal Angel Son-Messiah’s perfect righteousness.

Without a shred of doubt, these days we have the same evangelical
temple or synagogue everywhere within our countries, cities, towns,
etc., thus to worship our heavenly Father’s name within His beloved
Angel Son-Messiah’s perfect sanctity and righteousness, so we may
approach our heavenly Father within the perfect grace and justice from
His living temple, our Lord Jesus Chris himself! Meaning also that
these days our heavenly Father granted to every man, woman, and child
within Israel and the nations, just as He granted Moses the power and
authority to enter into the Holy of Holiest of the body and life of
His Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, thus to serve and
worship Him through His living name always.

That is correct, nowadays we have from our heavenly Father the powers
and privileges to reenter into our Lord Jesus Christ holy flesh,
unbroken bones and atoning-blood full of life, health, wealth,
protection and blessings without end for each one of us everywhere,
because he is our Holy Father’s personal living Altar for
righteousness for His blessed and all-powerful name. Granted that, our
heavenly Father pulled Israel from the Egyptian captivity for them to
worship and serve Him through the glorious and all-powerful name that
dwells within the Ark of the Testimony’s supernatural righteousness of
His celestial-manna, His Angel Son-Messiah, the living-manna for His
name, the only possible healer, blesser and resurrected savior, King
Messiah for Israel and the nations.

Then, these days we have our neighborhoods evangelical-temples or
synagogues everywhere where our heavenly Father keeps in perfect
righteousness, not of men or cherubs, but of His beloved Angel Son-
Messiah, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, so we may come into His Holy of
Holiest thus to serve and worship Him through His sanctified name each
day and forevermore in eternity. Therefore, due to our heavenly Father
unfailing-love and good promises to our ancestors thus to reach future
man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, then we have His
holy name through His blessed Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord
and Savior, so we may escape sin and death these days for a wonderful
and glorious life in heaven.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ is the only temple for
our heavenly Father’s majestic and all-powerful name, not only to
forgive sins but also to destroy Satan’s darkness, so we may have a
better life on earth and in paradise or in the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above, where everything is glory for everyone forever.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, or the Son of
David, is not only men’s temple for his holy name in paradise for Adam
and Eve, for example, but also for men all over the earth, because no
one is greater than him among the angels, archangels, cherubs,
seraphim and other holy creatures within our God’s eternal Kingdom.

Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ has been the temple for God’s name since
even before the creation of the heavens and the earth with all their
things and creatures in them throughout the vast and remote infinite
to these days; that is why angels worship God’s name through His Angel
Son-Messiah—and each one of us on earth the same! Furthermore, this
was the temple for His holy name that our heavenly Father not only
wanted for his angels in heaven and for men in paradise, but also for
every man, woman, and child within Israel and the rest of the nations,
for the reason that His Angel Son-Messiah is King Melchisedec for
God’s never-ending righteousness for everyone into eternity.

Also, without His Angel Son-Messiah, the Son of David, truly there is
no possible righteousness much less respect for our heavenly Father’s
holy name within His angels in heaven and with men all over Israel and
the entire human race as well, for all eternity to come, for example—
so Jesus Christ is, indeed, important everywhere and always for
everyone. Frankly, it is only in this perfect glorious righteousness
from our Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ, that His name can
survive in eternal glory for angel in heaven and for men on earth,
moreover this is why we must eat and drink from Melchisedec’s hands
too, just as Abram did in his day, so we may have His name’s blessings

Then, since the old days our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, has not ceased for a day to feed every man, woman
and child from Israel and the nations with his living-bread and with
his cup of wine thus to commemorate the eternal pact for eternal life
between Abram (mankind) on earth and our heavenly Father in heaven.
Because, through the ages for Israel and the nations, our heavenly
Father has had faithful men, women and children for His beloved Angel
Son-Messiah, the Son of David, our tree of life, because His Supper’s
Lamb for everyone that needs healing, forgiveness for sin and the
blessing for a blissful-and-glorious life, indeed, is always only His
Son Jesus Christ!

Therefore, these days, for all the things that you may love in life
and within the lives of your loved ones, hold on to Jesus Christ, and
our heavenly Father’s holy name will begin to work within and around
you with all kinds of blessings and miracles without end, so you may
love Him and His Son enduringly. Truly, at the Lord’s Supper, in
Jerusalem, our Lord Jesus Christ told his apostles literately, by
saying to them openly: this is my bread, and after showing them the
bread, then he lifted up to heaven and thanked our heavenly Father for

Then, facing each of his apostles, our Lord Jesus Christ said, eat
this bread, because this is my body in which you have eternal life.
Every time you eat from this bread, indeed, you are eating my flesh,
so your sinful flesh may die and, like this, my flesh may live in you
forever and ever well into all eternity to come, so you may enjoy
blessings and perfect health always on earth and in heaven forever and
ever. Because, if you continue to eat from the world’s bread you will
die, just as Adam and Eve died, and they both had to abandon our
heavenly Father’s holy name in paradise with all their blessings,
power, protection and never-ending health for their descendants to
come into life in future generations.

However, if you eat of my bread, then your flesh will not only turn
into my messianic holy-flesh but, indeed, you will never go hungry
again thus to continue to live life on earth and in paradise the
eternal blissful-life that knows no end or limits before our heavenly
Father in all eternity to come. Then, everyone partook humbly of his
living-bread, which is, indeed, the celestial-manna that our heavenly
Father gave to eat initially to the Hebrews through the desert, so
they may make it alive and well into the Promise Land, not to live as
they may please but to serve and honor His holy name forever in
eternity to come, that is.

Having all eaten from his living-bread, then our Angel Son-Messiah
took the cup of wine, lifted to heaven, and blessed it before our
heavenly Father by saying: This is my blood, in which you also have
eternal life, drink from it and you will never thirst again in this
life or in the next one to come, in God’s Kingdom. Here, the King of
Jerusalem, Melchisedec as the high priest for the righteousness of
God’s name, served the living-bread and the wine to his apostles for
the twelve tribes of Israel, so everywhere they may all become his
disciples too, men, women and children within Israel and within the
families of the entire earth as well, for generations to come.

Now, if you listen to our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah by
eating and drinking from him, then your sinful and unhealthy flesh
will become the holy and healthy flesh from God’s Lamb, so you may
never live under sin again and much less sick or dying every day, but
you will live in our heavenly Father’s eternal will and contentment.
Truly, our heavenly Father called Israel to listen and to do
everything that His Angel Son-Messiah would call them to do, so they
may live and do well throughout their days of life, and this would be
beyond doubt wherever they may go to live on earth, beginning in
Israel, for instance, so they may live protected and blessed

Moreover, our heavenly Father warned the firsts Hebrews by saying to
them, for example, you must listen and do all he tells you to do,
because if you fail to listen and to do as he says, then he will not
forgive your sins or rebellions, so you may die unprotected wherever
you may go in life with your children. Truly, to disobey rebelliously
His holy Angel Son-Messiah, the Son of David, indeed, it is to disobey
His holy name eternally that dwells within him in perfect justice and
everlasting righteousness for angels in heaven and for men all over
the earth, paradise and the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
where everyone glorifies His all-powerful name persistently through
Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, whoever curses or says anything evil against our heavenly
Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ, indeed, has blasphemed His
temple and holy name, and this is bad for anyone anytime around the
world before our Holy Father and of His Holy Spirit that releases His
judgment and wrath immediately to His enemies for destruction in hell,
in due time. Here, our heavenly Father is telling and affirming to us
that His Angel Son-Messiah has power and authority to tell His people
what to do (and how to do it too), and if they fail to obey his words
and directives, then he has power and authority not only to forgive
their sins and rebellions but also to punish them lawfully.

This, also tell us that our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah has
power and authority over Israel and the nations to tell them what to
do (and how to do it too), and if they disobey his directives, his
gospel, then he also has power and authority to punish their sins and
rebellions with his personal wrath, God’s vengeful name! Therefore,
each time that Israel was punished in the desert for sins and
rebellions against our heavenly Father and Moses, indeed, it was His
Angel Son-Messiah enforcing the punishment and corrections against
them with God’s vengeful name, so they may correct themselves and
return to the service to honor Him and His servant Moses through the
desert and into Canaan.

That is to say, also that it was initially their Rebbe, Melech
HaMoshiach, the Christ, that not only release them from Egypt’s
captivity, but also he was the one that led them across the Red sea
dry pathway, so they may begin soon a three-day journey through the
desert that it would take them directly into Canaan, forever. To the
Promised Land filled with the milk and honey for salvation, healing,
the messianic-life, peace and glory from the King Messiah himself,
indeed, where they will serve, honor and glorify extremely each day of
their entire lives God’s temple and holy name, and this is within the
perfect righteousness of His Angel Son-Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ
of Nazareth!

That is to say, also that in these days our heavenly Father is still
doing the same that He initially started with the Hebrews in Egypt and
through the desert, so He may introduce them into the heavenly
Promised Land, the brand-new colossal Jerusalem from heaven above,
where everything is never-ending love for everyone everywhere and
around the clock. This is the everlasting glorious celestial city of
God and of His Son Jesus Christ, the tree of life, where everybody
worships, serves, honors and glorifies His holy name that dwells in
perfect righteousness within His glorious living temple, His Rebbe,
Melech HaMoshiach, the Savior for Israel and the nations, the Son of
David, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Meaning also that if you really want to serve, honor and glorify our
heavenly Father’s holy name within your life, just as He initially
created you to do so in His image and according to His likeness in the
highest heavens, then you must have His living temple for His glorious
name living within you already for this to happen. And this is just as
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua and others by the millions did
over the years, receive Jesus Christ as God’s temple and high priest
for His righteousness name, so they may fulfill all truth, Law,
honesty and glory for everlasting justice within their hearts, lives,
living souls, bodies and human spirit, on earth and in paradise,

This is to say, also that each time you may partake from our heavenly
Father’s Supper, then you will be eating His Lamb, which is indeed His
initial celestial-manna to the Hebrews, so you may eat and drink from
the Holy Spirit for His holy name that dwells in eternal glory-and-
righteousness within His Son, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, for
Israel. This is true, these days, you with your loved ones and friends
can eat and drink from the Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father’s
righteous name by just invoking His Angel Son-Messiah, so he may feed
you personally his living-bread and wine just as he did with Abram and
his men, and, of course, for Israel through the years too.

Because, each time that the Hebrews offered their morning, noon, and
evening sacrifices to our heavenly Father by shedding the animals’
blood to the ground and then burning them over the fire to heaven,
indeed, they were partaking from our Lord’s Supper with His living-
bread and wine, so they may eat from His name always on earth and in
heaven. Meaning that it was important for the Hebrews not only to eat
from the celestial-manna continuously, but also from their daily blood-
sacrifices for lambs, goats, cows, bulls and other authorized
sacrificial animals, so they may replenish themselves with the Lord’s
table (the flesh and atoning-blood) and thus never die to Satan but
live everlastingly faithful for their Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach!

Wisely, our heavenly Father was not only feeding the Hebrews His
living-bread and wine from His living tree or Angel Son-Messiah, but
also He prepared them to receive literately His Son’s messianic-life
through King David’s virgin daughter’s conception, so they may have
His temple of flesh and atoning-blood for His righteous name for
everyone to have within Israel and the nations. These days, we all
have our heavenly Father’s temple of flesh, unbreakable bones, and
atoning-blood for His holy name thus to live among us everywhere on
earth and in heaven as well, through the presence of His Angel Son-
Messiah, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our
only possible savior on earth and forever in all eternity to come!

Nowadays, our Holy Father has made His temple for righteousness for
His holy name the personal temple for everyone in Israel and the
nations; therefore, only His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ
our Lord, is, indeed, your only authorized personal temple to bear His
holy name within your life and for your loved ones too, everywhere on
earth forever. That is to say, also that there is no other temple
authorized in heaven with His angels and on earth with all men to bear
His holy name within perfect truth, Law, holiness and sanctity than
His Angel Son-Messiah, the Son of David, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the only
lawful savior for Israel and for your entire life nowadays, and
forevermore in eternity.

Indeed, our heavenly Father’s holy name is so great and beyond all
understanding that only His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the Son of
David, is the one that can really understand it and bear it within him
in eternal peace and righteousness forever, for our sake and the sake
of our loved ones and friends everywhere around the world, as well.
That is good news for you and me these days, so we may all live in
eternal peace with our heavenly Father’s righteous name on earth and
in heaven as well, as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
where your eternal mansion grandeur waits for you and your loved ones
with its blissful-life that will never know unholiness, forever.

That is to say, also that nowadays the all-powerful saving name that
you have invoked through the years lives peacefully since eternity,
regardless of your religious backgrounds or sins, in perfect holiness
and justice within God’s Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
so serve and honor our heavenly Father’s righteous name more than ever
within your heart and life, forever. It does not matter to our
heavenly Father if you are Jewish or Gentile, He just wants you to
embrace His living temple and His glorious all-powerful name that
lives peacefully and in eternal righteousness just for your sake and
your loved ones’ sake, so you may live blessed each day of your lives
on earth and in paradise, forever.

These days, your eternal temple for righteousness is our heavenly
Father’s personal Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ
eternal high priest and savior on earth and in heaven, so we may enjoy
His glorious all-powerful name within our hearts and lives each time
we may invoke Him thus to bless and enrich our living souls
continually. Then, serve and honor His holy name more than ever
nowadays that dwells for you and your loved ones, hidden from evil and
in eternal righteousness within the holy flesh, unbreakable bones,
atoning-blood from His Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ, for the
salvation, resurrection and final ascension back to paradise for every
man, woman and child in Israel and the nations.

Go ahead and do not falter anymore, invoke our heavenly Father’s holy
name within your heart and lips from within His living temple for
righteousness, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the Son of David, so you
may erase your sins, heal your body from infirmities and even eternal
death, and finally start to enjoy your paradise without Satan’s lies
and sins. Inasmuch as, any life without Satan’s presence, indeed, it
is a very peaceful and happy life before our heavenly Father and his
angelic hosts in heaven and with men on earth, for the glory and honor
of His all-powerful name everywhere, therefore, the presence of Jesus
Christ is the eternal absence of Satan within your life, today and
forevermore in eternity.

That is why that the prophets stated clearly to the Hebrews over and
over again that if they obey and follow our heavenly Father’s holy
Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ himself, then He will not only be at
peace with them but also He will make their enemies to be at peace
with them throughout the land and forevermore. Therefore, if you fail
to obey our heavenly Father’s holy Angel Son-Messiah, then whatever
was peace within your household and lands will go out the window never
to come back to you again, unless, of course, you repent and show
respect to His temple and His holy name that is in him, the Rebbe,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, the Christ!

These days, our heavenly Father’s holy name hidden from you since
eternity is more close to you than ever before when you invoke Yeshua
HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s temple and high priest for
your entire living soul, body and human spirit, so you may be blessed
continuously on earth and forevermore in eternity. Satan’s lies wants
to keep you in the dark and far-off from our heavenly Father’s holy
name hidden from you since you were created within our Lord Jesus
Christ precious holy flesh and atoning-blood, so you may receive it
today with blessings and in perfect righteousness for your eternal
peace and brand-new found blissful-life on earth and in paradise,

May the powers and authorities from our heavenly Father’s holy name be
with and within you, thanks to His beloved Angel Son-Messiah, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the Son of David, when you invoke him through prayer and
adoration to Him, the creator of the heaven and earth, the Almighty
God! May our Holy Father bless you richly with peace, healing,
happiness, prosperity and the fulfillment of your heart’s desire with
your loved ones, and even your friends too, in these holidays, as you
may present yourself frank and heart-to-heart before Him with His
beloved Son living within you already, thus fulfilling His eternal
will with your life on earth for eternity!

Because, this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will for your life and
the lives of your loved ones, as well, that His Son’s glory, joy,
happiness, health, and never-ending blessings may live within you thus
to shine from you unto others too, for the splendor and respect for
His righteous name on earth with men and in heaven with His angels.
Truly, all your prayers, petitions, and intercessions are answered
already these days, but only through our heavenly Father’s all-
powerful name, when you invoke His living temple with your heart and
lips, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our God’s Lamb and high priest, Jesus Christ
of Nazareth! Happy Holyday Seasons to everyone! Amen!

(Cartas del cielo)


All in good time, our heavenly Father was determined to end with the
serpent’s terrible lies that caused not only Adam and Eve to sin
against Him and His fruit of life, the celestial-manna, from heaven,
the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ, but also every
man, woman and child from the entire human race. And this was very bad
to say the least, so He had to put an end to it, the sooner the
better, not only for the glory and honor of His temple with His
righteous name in it, but for the salvation of the earth and every
nation in it, starting with Israel, for example.

Thoughtfully, our heavenly Father saved Aaron’s staff within the Ark
of the Testimony along with the rest of its holy items, such as the
golden pot of the celestial-manna and the two tables of the Ten
Commandments, because, these were the spiritual items that He was
going to introduce into the lives of each one of His much-loved ones,
forever. Indeed, Aaron’s staff would be the pole from which His Angel
Son-Messiah would hang over the Jerusalem’s consecrated summit, so he
may shed the precious atoning-blood of His righteous name for
salvation and eternal blessings for each one of His sons and
daughters, within Israel and the families of the nations of the entire

Therefore, as written it is, if any one commits a crime worthy of
death and is executed and hanged on a tree, then the body must never
remain on the tree overnight, it must be removed as soon as possible.
Indeed, you must bury the body the same day, for curse is of God
anyone hanging on a tree overnight. Do not defile the land your God
gives you as a special possession for you and for your children for
future generations to come.

Legally, our heavenly Father established this law in Israel, because
the only One that was to hang overnight was going to be His Angel Son-
Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may shed the Holy Spirit
of the atoning-blood that holds His righteous name in perfect justice
from everlasting to everlasting, for the salvation and eternal
blessings of His children. On these days, the Holy Spirit from our
heavenly Father’s righteous name shed profusely for three days from
His beloved Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, so He may
fill the earth completely with His name touching like this every man,
woman and child from the past and from future generations, so in good
time they may receive salvation forever.

For the reason that, each one of us, by the millions, beginning with
Adam and Eve in paradise, is His eternal child, whether we are direct
descendants from father Abraham or not—however, these days by grace in
His Son Jesus Christ we are for sure his children forever by the
supernatural powers and authorities for invoking His holy name.
Indeed, we are His children since the beginning of all things in
heaven, because in the day He created us, He did not create us as His
angels, but, in the contrary, He created us to be exactly as His
beloved holy Angel Son-Messiah, the Son of David, Jesus Christ of

Therefore, each time you see a person, undeniably, you see someone
that not only molds in the image and according to the likeness of
God’s holy Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, but also
with the potential to have his name next to God’s holy name living in
His temple forever—and this is power from heaven for everyone. That is
to say, also that fashioned we were initially in His image and
according to His likeness, so we may be able to be like Him in heaven,
on earth and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where every
one (angels and men) worships His sanctified name that dwells in
perfect righteousness within His temple, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Meaning also that only His Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, is His eternal temple that holds in perfect holiness His
glorious and all-powerful name, so not only faithful angels in heaven
may worship it properly in righteousness continuously, but also every
man, woman and child on earth thus for Him to embrace new glories,
honors and sanctities in eternity. In other words, our heavenly Father
may only receive glory and honor for His righteous name within His
holy temple lifted very high within their hearts and lives, then, away
from His temple He does not receive any glory, honor, prayer, petition
or intercession from anyone in heaven much less on earth forever and
ever in all eternity to come.

That is why that our heavenly Father did not only allow His Angel Son-
Messiah, Jesus Christ, to be taken prisoner by men but also He allowed
them to lift him high over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so he may shine as a
powerful light over Israel and the nations—and this light is His
glorious all-powerful name glittering for everyone everywhere. Also,
our Lord Jesus Christ was elevated high over Israel, because he was
not only born sinless from King David’s virgin daughter, but also he
lived a consecrated life to the Law, so the Holy Spirit from the
Scriptures may not only fulfill altogether but also release
forgiveness for wrongdoing, healings, blessings and the everlasting
joy for eternal life for everyone.

Therefore, it was imperative that our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-
Messiah, Yeshua HaMoshiach, may be nailed not only to Aaron’s staff,
as the bronze serpent was nailed to it in the desert, so the Israelis
may not die from snake bites by seeing it, but also he needed to be
elevated above every Israeli head, so they may live victoriously
always. That is to say, also that the lifting of our heavenly Father’s
Angel Son-Messiah, the Son of David, over the Jerusalem’s holy hill
was in indeed a fulfillment of the Scriptures that was not given only
to Moses in moments of national emergency but also to all of Israel,
so it may be fulfilled in due time for His incredible-glory.

In the desert, as the venomous serpents were coming out from under the
sand to surprise and attack the Israelis, because of their obstinate
heart and rebellions against Him and His servants, then He told Moses
make a bronze serpent, just as the ones you see around you, and nail
it to Aaron’s staff, so whoever sees it may live. In that day, just
the ones that were able to lift their eyes and see the bronze serpent
nailed to Aaron’s staff and high over their heads, indeed, were healed
from the spiteful serpent bites, because they saw healing coming
towards them from his wings expanded; however, those that failed to
see the bronze serpent lifted above their heads died.

Truthfully, on that day, even though the bronze serpent was lifted
high over the Hebrews heads and failed to see it unfortunately, just
as our heavenly Father had commanded Moses earlier to do, then they
died by the thousands that their corpses littered the desert
everywhere the eye could see. However, those that lifted their eyes
and saw the bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s staff, at once they were
seeing clearly with their eyes our heavenly Father’s temple with His
holy name in it, consequently they were healed from their venomous
snake bites to keep on living for the glory and never-ending honor of
our heavenly Father’s all-powerful name.

Nonetheless, those that did not lift their eyes to see the bronze
snake nailed to Aaron’s staff, just as our heavenly Father commanded
Moses to do so, then they could not see our heavenly Father’s temple
so His righteous name that dwells within it could not act in their
favor thus to healed them from their deadly snake bites. Now, whether
Moses and the Hebrews realized it or not, whenever they lifted their
eyes to see the bronze snake, indeed, they were beholding our heavenly
Father’s temple with His omnipotent name in it, so He may not only
bless them immediately but also heal them from the spiteful snake
bites and the eternal death in hell, forever.

Meaning also that if Israel had not lifted high the bronze snake
nailed to Aaron’s staff in the desert, then our heavenly Father’s
temple with His holy name in it could not do anything for them at all,
therefore they were doomed in the desert to descend to the lowest part
of hell, so they may never see life again. Because, the lifting of our
heavenly Father’s temple with His holy name in it, and this is truly
His Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, with his wings expanded shedding
healing to everyone everywhere: These days, it really means eternal
glory and honor over Satan’s wilds and death in the desert and around
the world, for every man, woman and child forever.

Therefore, it was imperative for our heavenly Father to have His
temple with His righteous name in it lifted high over the Hebrews in
the desert, so they may not only see it and live but also serve Him as
their only Lord and savior of their entire living souls, in this life
and in the next one to come. That is to say, also that in paradise Eve
believed initially the ancient snake’s lies just as spiteful bites for
Adam and his children for sin, death and eternal destruction in hell,
but, nevertheless, in the desert Moses believed graciously to nail the
bronze snake to Aaron’s pole thus to defeat every celestial lie over
the whole of Israel, forever.

We can say also that our heavenly Father took finally Israel from
Egypt to defeat the ancient snake spiteful bites of lies that were not
only condemning the house of Israel into an eternal slavery of death,
in the desert and hell, but also the entire human race; therefore, the
desert had to be the deathtrap for the serpent’s lies. Now, why our
heavenly Father did not do this in Egypt or in any other place but in
the desert, because the serpent’s spiteful lies cast out Adam and his
children from paradise into hell, so the serpent’s lies had to die in
the desert, hell, where they originated to attack the human spirit in
heaven and on earth forever.

In truth, our heavenly Father took Israel from Egypt, so they may in
turn serve Him by lifting in the desert the glorious life of His Angel
Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for the glory and never-ending
honor of His temple and His holy name in it, so sin may die exactly
from where it rose to exist forever. Meaning also that our heavenly
Father had Israel lift very high His Angel Son-Messiah in the desert’s
summit thus to defeat Satan and the sinful serpent in hell, in the
desert, in heaven and all over His entire creation as well, forever
and ever. What is more, this lifting of the bronze serpent nailed to
Aaron’s staff, indeed, did not only cure the Hebrews from the sure
death of the serpent’s venomous bites, but also defeated the barren
desert with its infirmities, so nothing could stop the Hebrews from
serving Him as their God and Founder and from finally possessing the
Promised Land forever.

Scripturally, this was something that the Hebrews had to do only once
in their entire journey through the desert as in hell itself, so not
only they may overcome any of the desert’s infirmities and threats but
also defeat any rival nation for the everlasting glory and honor of
our heavenly Father’s temple and His holy name in it forever. Because,
the truth was that for our heavenly Father to destroy Satan’s lies
within every man, woman and child, then literally He had to defeat sin
in hell itself with His bronze serpent nailed to Aaron’s staff as an
initiation of a brand-new atoning-blood pact with the Hebrews and
humankind everywhere, so the desert was chosen by default for this

Well, this was something that the Hebrews had to do again, but only
once, and this was to lift high over their heads our heavenly Father’s
temple with His holy name that dwells from everlasting to everlasting
within the perfect flesh and atoning-blood of His Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the only possible savior for Israel and the nations, for
all eternity. Undeniably, only once the entire house of Israel could
do this for our heavenly Father, elevate high the atoning-body and
blood full of the eternal life that worships and serves forever His
holy name within Israel and the entire human race everywhere, so sin
may die with its darkness, and life may rekindle within the human
spirit for eternity.

For this reason, our heavenly Father sent His temple with His holy
name in it to Israel, so not only her children may lift him high over
their heads but also the families of the nations of the world, so sin
may die everywhere for life to retake within their hearts and the
entire human spirit, for millenniums to come. Otherwise, our heavenly
Father’s temple and His sanctified name in it could not be glorified
and much less honored over Satan’s sins, lies, wickedness and
destruction of death and hell for the sake of the whole of Israel and
every man, woman and child within the entire human race for future
generations to come, well into all eternity.

Therefore, it was very important for our heavenly Father to have His
temple with His blameless name living in eternal righteousness
elevated not only within the unfriendly desert’s epicenter, hell, but
also within the Promised Land, for the end of sin and its darkness in
every nation of the entire world, so our heavenly Father may be
glorified over Satan, forever. And this means that each one of us has
still to glorify and exalt our heavenly Father’s temple with His
righteous name living in it in perfect justice for our eternal sake,
so He may not only forgive our sins but also heal us from all
infirmities and liberate us from hell’s tormenting scorching fires
forever and ever, as well.

Appropriately, it was very important for Israel to exalt our heavenly
Father’s temple and His holy name over their heads all over the house
of Israel forever, whether they knew it or not, so sin may die
eternally within their hearts and living souls and the same nowadays
for every man, woman and child from all the nations of the world. That
is why that these days it is important for each one of us, whether we
are Hebrews or Gentiles, to exalt and honor our heavenly Father’s
temple and His name living within the sacrificed flesh and shed-blood
of His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, thus to fulfill and establish
eternally truth, Law and justice on earth and in heaven for everyone.

For this is what pleases our heavenly Father’s holy heart, so He may
pour abundantly His blessings of miracles and of great wonders within
our hearts, minds, bodies, souls and human spirit all over the entire
earth each day of our lives and well into all eternity the same, so we
may know only truth, Law, justice and goodness forever. Because, once
we exalt and honor His temple with His holy name living in perfect
righteousness within the consecrated flesh and shed healing-blood of
His Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s resurrected life,
then we have fulfilled all truth, Law, and justice on earth, so we may
be worthy to enter into His place of rest anytime, the brand-new
celestial Jerusalem.

Otherwise, no one can ever reclaim paradise for himself or herself,
without the blessed resurrection of the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our
heavenly Father’s temple with His holy name living in perfect
righteousness for the forgiveness of sin, healings, blessings, and
salvation for every man, woman and child on earth and in paradise,
these days and forevermore into all eternity. Therefore, there was our
Lord Jesus Christ as the King Messiah for Israel and for the nations
nailed to Aaron’s staff, just as the bronze serpent in the desert, so
whoever may lift up his eyes and see him, then healing righteousness
would emanate from his wings into his life thus escaping Satan’s
venomous sin, wickedness, deception and death forever.

Because, just as in the desert, our heavenly Father would only speak
to Moses and to every man, woman and child, beginning with the Levite
high priest of the year in course, over the golden pot of the
celestial-manna along with Aaron’s staff and the two tables of the Ten
Commandments, so to forgive sin and heal them from death eternally.
One way or the other, the Ark of the Testimony is the continuous
atoning-blood sacrifice of the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, in the desert
and within the Promised Land as well forever, because the celestial-
manna along with Aaron’s staff and the two tablets of the Law are,
indeed, the poles crossed over to receive the body of Jesus Christ
with nails.

Meaning also that the celestial-manna crucified over Aaron’s pole and
the two tables of the fulfilled Commandments is Jesus Christ himself
shedding healing-atoning-blood from under his wings for everyone and
everywhere around the world thus for Israel and the nations to receive
eternal forgiveness for sin, healing and salvation for a better life
on earth and in heaven, forever. Furthermore, the same is true these
days over the celestial-manna of the sacred flesh, unbreakable bones,
and atoning-blood of the Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, nailed to Aaron’s staff over Jerusalem’s holy hill, for
every man, woman and child, so to have their prayers, petitions,
intercessions and requests heard in heaven before our heavenly Father
and His Holy Spirit.

Since, it is here where our heavenly Father has not only manifested
gloriously and with His unfailing love for Israel and the entire human
race His beloved Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, that
whoever believes in him within his heart and confesses his name with
his lips, then his sins are forgiven and his prayers heard in heaven
immediately. Truly, this is the same celestial-manna within the Holy
of Holiest from where our heavenly Father will speak to Moses and to
every Levite high priest once a year in the desert, so He may hear
their prayers, petitions, requests and intercessions for themselves,
their loved ones, and even for their friends as well everywhere around
the entire earth.

Lawfully, without this celestial-manna, as His only possible eternal
Ark of the Testimony, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, nailed to Aaron’s
staff and the two tables of the Ten Commandments, then in these days
our heavenly Father will not see much less speak to any one ever, for
any reason at all. Because, just as our heavenly Father lifted His
holy name over the dying poisoned Hebrews in the desert with the
bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s staff, well then, over the holy hill of
Jerusalem our heavenly Father lifted His name very high too, so
whoever sees it, indeed his sins are forgiven, and his prayers heard
in heaven each time.

Moreover, our heavenly Father will forgive the sins of men each time
they lift their eyes and see His temple with His glorious name living
within the righteousness of the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus
Christ’s body and atoning-healing-blood, because he alone is His true
Ark of the Testimony for the golden pot of the celestial-manna,
Aaron’s staff and the Law. Ever since, our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-
Messiah, Jesus Christ, was nailed to Aaron’s staff with the two tables
of the Ten Commandments crossed over each other to receive his hands
and feet with nails, then his atoning-healing-blood filled with the
Holy Spirit of the glorious name flows to everywhere for everyone to
receive it for forgiveness and everlasting healing-salvation.

In other words, only over this celestial-manna of the consecrated
body, unbreakable bones, atoning-blood from our heavenly Father’s
Angel Son-Messiah, Yeshua HaMoshiach, He will forgive our sins, hear
our prayers, heal our bodies and raise us back to eternal life on
earth, in heaven, so we may enter into the brand-new eternal life of
His wonderful and glorious divine Jerusalem. Furthermore, there is no
other celestial-manna high enough over Israel these days or ever as
His beloved Son-Messiah, Yeshua HaMoshiach, crucified for the end of
sin within Israel and within the rest of the nations of the entire
world, so darkness and sickness along with death may disappear within
the life of the entire human race, forever and ever.

Truly, our heavenly Father liberated Israel from the Egyptian
captivity, so they may go through the Red sea’s dry ground, cross the
hostile and barren desert, and finally enter into the Promised Land to
possess it all to lift His temple with His holy name in it, thus to
destroy Satan’s sin, wickedness, death forever on earth, paradise and
hell. That is why that our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, the
Son of David, took the bronze shape of the venous serpent of the
desert nailed to Aaron’s staff, so he may not only destroy the power
of paradise’s ancient serpent and her wicked venom, but also all of
Satan’s infirmities as well, so Israel may live at last wholesome and

Furthermore, this is to live truly very successful day-by-day in the
desert for Israel and for her children too for generations to come in
the Promised Land and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
where Satan’s lies are never heard again but only the every word of
truth from our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit about His Son-
Messiah. Truthfully, whatever supernatural powers that the ancient
serpent had over Adam and Eve, because she obeyed and conveyed Satan’s
lies to the human spirit of man thus to separate him successfully from
our heavenly Father and His tree of life, the celestial-manna, indeed,
died in the desert eternally, because the Angel Son-Messiah himself
defeated her at last and forever.

Then, since this day, when Moses lifted the bronze serpent nailed to
Aaron’s staff over the desert’s highest point, so Israel may look up
to it and become not only healed from the serpent venous bites from
the entire world, but also from all the lies and wickedness of the
ancient serpent from paradise and Lucifer as well, forever. Now, our
heavenly Father had to defeat not only Satan’s lies and his eternal
darkness but also the wicked words that the ancient serpent had put
into Eve’s and Adam’s hearts, so his children may bear this terrible
wicked spirit of error not only against our heavenly Father but also
against His tree of life, the celestial-manna, Yeshua HaMoshiach!

Wisely, our heavenly Father chose the Egyptian desert to defeat the
ancient serpent because it resembles sin, death and Satan, by allowing
Moses to make a bronze serpent, just as the ones that were biting the
rebellious Hebrews everywhere thus to bury them dead in hell before
our heavenly Father, because of their unpardonable sin against Him and
His servants. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to defeat the
ancient serpent from paradise lies and wickedness in the desert with
the bronze serpent nailed to Aaron’s staff lifted high, before
Israel’s children may begin to see thus finally to enter into the
Promised Land, so it may not contaminate His chosen land with this
wicked ancient-lies and terrible deceptions from Satan.

Inasmuch as, if Satan’s and the ancient serpent’s venous lies had
entered initially into the Promised Land with the sons of Israel, then
Satan with the wicked serpent can make claims to it for any reason at
all, always lying and trying to steal what could have never being
theirs from the beginning—but this never happened nonetheless.
Therefore, it was very important for our heavenly Father to tell Moses
to make a bronze snake and lift it high, like the one from the desert
or from paradise, so His Son-Messiah may destroy once-in-for-all
Satan’s lies and wickedness that found their way into the hearts of
Eve, Adam and his children through the ancient serpent in paradise.

Since that particular day, our heavenly Father finally made us
eternally free as never before from many terrible supernatural powers
that were not only weighing on men through Satan’s presence and false
claims, but also from the ancient serpent from paradise herself, for
example, so we may all at last serve and glorify Him without
transgressing His holy name, forever. Indeed, our heavenly Father did
not only liberate Israel from captivity, but also He wisely liberates
everyone else when He commanded Moses to make a bronze serpent and
nail it to Aaron’s staff to lift it purposely over the snake-stricken
Hebrews, so they may see it to free themselves along with humankind
from the ancient serpent spiteful deadly-venom everywhere.

Then, the bronze serpent was not only a curse hanging on a tree over
the desert’s summit but also outside Jerusalem and over her holy hill,
so he may finally shed His glorious Holy Spirit of the sacred body and
atoning-blood that embraces our heavenly Father’s righteous name since
even before the creation of things and the start of eternity. This is
our heavenly Father’s consecrated Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, nailed to Aaron’s staff and lifted high over Jerusalem’s
holy hill too, so he may not only defeat the serpent and her terrible
sinful lies and death but also Satan himself, so he may never touch
another God’s child on earth and paradise, for all eternity to come.

Truly, if our heavenly Father’s temple with His holy name living in
perfect righteousness in it for you, it is lifted very high within
your heart and entire life as well, then the ancient serpent spiteful
venom from paradise will not only abandon your living soul and entire
body, but also, it will never touch again, forever in eternity. Well,
now more than ever you need to lift very high within your life our
God’s temple with His holy name in it, so only showers of blessings
and miracles may rain from your celestial tree of life, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the eternal manna and savior Jesus Christ, thus to live
your life in peace and enjoy every day God’s infinite glories.

There, our Lord Jesus Christ hanged on a tree, cursed according to the
written Law, because he was not only defeating the ancient serpent and
Satan within their hell-bound blindness and lies, but also he took in
the appearance of everyone’s eternal death on earth and in hell
altogether, so they may live and never die this evil death ever. Here,
as our heavenly Father’s Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, hanged on the tree,
he absorbed the curse of every man in paradise, on earth and even
hell, too, because he took sin upon himself for the first time, and
not because he did anything wrong, but because this was the way to
defeat Satan, the ancient serpent and every lie forever.

Consequently, when people saw him he looked disfigured completely, as
the beaten and disfigured bronze desert’s serpent, because that is the
power of sin in the desert and hell, it disfigures man from head to
foot, so he was not longer recognized as the man they knew, but a pulp
of blood and flesh, indeed, was his countenance for everyone
everywhere. Truly, this is how a sinful man looks as he progressively
ages and dies, and descends to bottomless pit of the earth thus to
return to the dust from where he was taken in the day of his creation
by our heavenly Father’s hands, for example, so he may never retake
life again for all eternity to come. (Nonetheless, around the clock
those that die believing and confessing Jesus Christ’s holy name go up
to paradise at once, in the hour of their individual death all over
the entire earth.)

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ countenance looked so disfigured as
he hanged on the tree, because he was also fulfilling to the ultimate
in his messianic-life the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments for
everyone, specially where it says that man will never make an idol of
what is in heaven, on earth or under the waters of the earth. Now, if
anyone would have been able to take a picture or drawing of his beaten
countenance, as he finally hanged on the tree, shedding his atoning-
healing-blood to save the souls of men from the power of sin and the
angel of death, then he would have transgressed the Holy Spirit of the
Commandments, but this never happened nonetheless.

Instead, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, hanged on the tree totally
disfigured because of the curses and blows that he received from those
that he came down from heaven to save from the power of Satan and the
old serpent from the Garden of Eden, so they may all soon return to
our heavenly Father’s arms never to abandon Him again. Now, this is
the reason many people did not understand what our heavenly Father was
doing with His Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, hanged
on the tree, disfigured by men and, apparently, abandoned by Him
forever, nonetheless, our heavenly Father never abandoned our Lord
Jesus Christ, without a doubt, He was with him every step of the way.

Our heavenly Father along with the entire house of Israel watched
Yeshua HaMoshiach fulfill the Scriptures and the Law, so people
everywhere and through generations to come may attain total victory
over Satan and the old serpent not just from the desert but also from
paradise and hell as well, and then live on blessed without sin and
lies forever. At this point, our heavenly Father through His Angel Son-
Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, not only defeated sin and death
forever, but also, first the ancient serpent and then Satan with his
fallen angels attempting to disfigure every man, woman and child on
earth, just as sin disfigured terribly our Lord and savior Jesus
Christ hanged on the tree.

Truly, each time man saw their Lord and savior hanged on the tree,
they were indeed looking at anybody from the past, future or
themselves (dead already), because when sin disfigures man, then he
becomes a pulp of blood thus never to be recognized as a person again,
unless he resurrects to life another time with a glorify sinless body.
Well, this is exactly what our heavenly Father’s Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, did on the third day, because after having died and
descended to the heart of the earth to show himself pure and holy to
others as God’s Lamb with the atoning-blood that erases sin, then he
resurrected to life, but this time with a glorified body worthy of

Because, if truth be told, we have a sinful body and a lifeless blood
that are not worthy to return to heaven at all, because we were born
within Adam’s and Eve’s origin spiteful serpent’s bites of lies from
paradise, however, with Jesus Christ we have his consecrated body with
his atoning-healing-blood as ours these days and forevermore in
eternity. That is to say, also that when everybody resurrects on
resurrection day with our Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, then he or she
will resurrect to life with a glorified body washed and cleaned from
the power of sin and death by his wonderful atoning-repairing-blood,
so he or she may reenter eternal life but this time to the brand-new
celestial Jerusalem forever.

In addition, everybody that died believing within their hearts and
confessing with their lips the saving name of the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the Son of David, and then he or she will come back to
life in the last day of resurrection, but with his glorified sacred
body and atoning-blood only, so he may know truth and goodness
forever. Because, when our savior hanged on the tree, then his
countenance was a pulp of flesh and blood so you may not see him as
God’s Son-Messiah and savior anymore but, instead, you could see
yourself or anyone else from any generation or from anywhere
reflecting on his face, so they may resurrect-saved in his holy body
in resurrection day.

In other words, in resurrection day, you will not resurrect to life
with the same sinful body that you have received from Adam and Eve
but, instead, you will resurrect-blessed with the same sacred flesh,
unbreakable bones, atoning-blood, and glorious life of our heavenly
Father’s Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the savior of Israel and of the
nations, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Because, when our Lord Jesus Christ
died on the tree, his face was disfigured not only to fulfill the Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments, but also he absorbed the sin, curse
and death from every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam and
Eve, so they may resurrect-saved in his body but bearing their
individual souls and faces in resurrection day forever.

Now, if in resurrection day you resurrect with the same body that you
have lived on earth, then you will stand in judgment before our
heavenly Father and His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may be judged
according to what you have said, thought, and done in life, whether
for good or evil, thus to be thrown into hell eventually. These days,
it is very important that we recognize our heavenly Father’s Rebbe,
Yeshua HaMoshiach, hanging on the tree totally disfigured not only for
the Law’s glory, but also saving conjointly everyone from the past and
the future with his own holy body and atoning-healing-blood, so in
resurrection day they may resurrect-blessed with his body bearing
their individual souls and faces, forever.

So, whether you understand it or not in these days, in the future, for
all eternity to come, you will receive our heavenly Father’s promised
Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ holy body, unbreakable bones and
atoning-blood, so your soul may live sinless and blessed in the brand-
new life of the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above thus to know
only truth and goodness always. Truthfully, it is our heavenly
Father’s will that you may receive these days His beloved Angel Son-
Messiah, the Son of David, holy body and atoning-blood, replacing this
way Adam’s and Eve’s sinful life and infirm-body that you received
initially from them in the day you were born—and only like this you
will live a miraculous life each day forever.

Because, it is our heavenly Father’s will and never-ending glories
that you may live a wonderful glorious life, blessed everywhere all
the time with each one of His miracles and great wonders on earth and
in heaven, so people may know that the God you serve is the Almighty,
Creator of the heavens and earth! For the reason that, our heavenly
Father needs to glorify His holy name in you too, the one He
personally gave to His holy Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ, His
personal living temple, because he along is the King of righteousness
for His creatures, so His glorious brand-new Kingdom may expand and
Satan’s with his wicked ones may become extinguished forever.

That is to say, also that if you believe within your heart and confess
with your lips that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the Rebbe, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, not only your sins may be blot out on-the-spot, but also
your name will be next to His righteous name within his living temple,
so you may live a miracle life starting today. Now, if your name is
next to our heavenly Father’s holy name within His living temple, the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ, then nothing will be
impossible for you on earth and in heaven, forever and ever, indeed,
you will only know victory and goodness each day over Satan’s sin,
lies, infirmities, death and the terrible disappointments too.

Truly, you will be like Jesus Christ himself walking on earth with our
heavenly Father’s holy name next to yours within His temple, so Satan
when he sees you then he will flee from you, from your loved ones and
even from your friends too, thus to let you live your life without his
terrible and abominable influences. Indeed, this is a glorious life
already altogether living without Satan and his usual lies everywhere
around the earth, so you may enjoy light, life, truth, Law and justice
never again to experience darkness, and uncertainty within your life,
your loved ones and even of your friends as well, these days and
forevermore in eternity.

Truly, without Satan in your life, because of Adam’s and Eve’s
original sin from paradise by default, then you will enter into the
Lord’s rest never to know wickedness from evil again but only the way,
the truth and the life of the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach, God’s tree of
life and Lamb for everyone these days on earth and in eternity. Truly,
our heavenly Father had the Hebrews in the desert lift high His temple
with His righteous name in it, when He commanded Moses to make a
bronze serpent and nail it to Aaron’s staff, so He may finally defeat
the ancient serpent with her lies and deceptions in hell itself thus
never to rise again in your life forevermore.

Undeniably, our heavenly Father made us free in the desert from the
ancient serpent’s curses from paradise, so we may also lift these days
His temple with His holy name living in perfect righteousness within
the sacred flesh and victorious life of His Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach,
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for the never-ending glory of His name in
our lives. Remember, our heavenly Father is not interested much about
your religious backgrounds or sins, He just wants you to lift high His
temple with His holy name living in it in perfect righteousness, so
you may be forgiven from your sins, healed from your infirmities and
death, and finally fill you with His eternal Holy Spirit and
victorious life, forever.

Our heavenly Father’s Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach,
did not only become a bronze serpent nailed to Aaron’s staff lifted
high in the desert’s summit so the Hebrews may escape death and hell,
but also he did again, and this time forever, outside Jerusalem and
over His holy hill, so you may escape sin and enjoy your brand-new-
life today. Indeed, our Redeemer took on the curse of every man, woman
and child, as the bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s pole retrieved
miraculously the spiteful venoms that were exterminating the Hebrews
in the desert, and he did it again, but this time with his own holy
body in Israel’ highest holy hill, so he may shed his atoning-blood
for everyone everywhere forever.

Nowadays, this is to shed his Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father’s
righteous name hidden within his atoning-healing-blood for you and
your loved ones, in this life and forevermore in the next one to come
in heaven, so you may never suffer death ever, but only enjoy his
glorious sacred-life, which he lives for you only each day in
eternity. Thank God Almighty that at last the ancient serpent was
defeated by our Lord Jesus Christ not only within the desert and over
the dying poisoned Hebrews but also over Jerusalem’s holy hill as he
spread widely his wings to emanate atoning-healing-blood for Israel
and the human spirit of the nations of the entire world as well,
forever and ever.

¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo 2010 a todos!, en el nombre de
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Happy Hanukkah in these High Holidays to everyone, in the name of the
Rebbe, Yeshua HaMoshiach!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 for everyone everywhere, in
the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says,
"Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important
in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven;
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died
on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of
Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all
the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS
in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME
of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.



Bert Olton
2009-12-31 22:34:12 UTC
On 12/31/2009 5:17 PM, valarezo wrote:

[major, major clip]

What a waste of bandwidth.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. To all who have served or are serving the
cause of freedom whether in peace or in war at home or abroad, thank
you. "Let's roll!", Todd Beamer, United Airlines Flight 93, September
11, 2001.