2008-09-09 11:47:35 UTC
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September 8, 2008
Americans United Commends Ohio Clergy For Opposing Pulpit Partisanship
Church-State Watchdog Group Announces New Web Site To Refute Religious
Right Propaganda About Federal Tax Law
Americans United for Separation of Church and State today commended a group
of Ohio clergy for opposing pulpit-based electioneering and unveiled a new
Web site designed to counter Religious Right propaganda about federal tax
The Rev. Eric Williams of North Congregational United Church of Christ in
Columbus is urging clergy all over America to give sermons on Sept. 21 in
support of church-state separation and against partisan politics in houses
of worship.
At a press conference in Columbus today, Williams and other religious
leaders also called on the Internal Revenue Service to take action against
the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) for encouraging churches to break the law
and endorse candidates. The ADF, a Religious Right legal group based in
Arizona, is urging pastors to endorse or oppose candidates from the pulpit
on Sept. 28.
Federal tax law prohibits non-profit organizations, including houses of
worship, from intervening in elections. Religious Right groups have long
sought to turn churches into cogs in their political machine, and the ADF
hopes to win court approval of pulpit politicking.
According to today's Washington Post, Williams and other clergy are asking
the IRS to sanction the ADF for encouraging pastors to break the law and
calling for an investigation into possible violations of ethics rules.
Washington Post article link:
IRS complaint link:
IRS letter link:
The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United, hailed the
Ohio clergy group for its strong stand against the ADF.
"I am delighted to see clergy stand up for church-state separation," Lynn
said. "The vast majority of America's religious leaders reject pulpit
politicking, and I'm glad to see some of them speak out so clearly and
Continued Lynn, "Americans go to church for spiritual reasons, not to get a
list of political endorsements. The Alliance Defense Fund ought to be
ashamed of itself for attempting to drag churches into partisan politics."
Americans United today announced the launch of a new Web site
<http://www.au.org/site/R?i=rGXJETesPOQRSdkdSCpSkw.. ,
www.projectfairplay.org, that will educate religious leaders and other
Americans about the proper role of religion in politics.
The "Project Fair Play" Web site contains a broad array of resources
dealing with federal tax law provisions that bar pulpit politicking. It
includes several links to IRS publications, educational materials for
clergy and information about religious leaders' stands on the topic.
Interested citizens can also use projectfairplay.org to report violations
of the law to Americans United. Americans United has filed complaints with
the IRS about flagrant examples of partisan politicking by religious
Said AU's Lynn, "The Religious Right persists in misleading clergy about
federal tax law. Our new site will give religious leaders and other
interested citizens accurate information on this important topic."
Americans United is a religious liberty watchdog group based in Washington,
Founded in 1947, the organization educates Americans about the importance
of church-state separation in safeguarding religious freedom.
Americans United Press Contacts:
Joe Conn, Rob Boston, Sandhya Bathija
The First Freedom First Campaign is a joint project of
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
and The Interfaith Alliance Foundation
If you haven't signed the petition yet, visit www.firstfreedomfirst.org.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
518 C Street NE,
Washington, DC 20002
September 8, 2008
Americans United Commends Ohio Clergy For Opposing Pulpit Partisanship
Church-State Watchdog Group Announces New Web Site To Refute Religious
Right Propaganda About Federal Tax Law
Americans United for Separation of Church and State today commended a group
of Ohio clergy for opposing pulpit-based electioneering and unveiled a new
Web site designed to counter Religious Right propaganda about federal tax
The Rev. Eric Williams of North Congregational United Church of Christ in
Columbus is urging clergy all over America to give sermons on Sept. 21 in
support of church-state separation and against partisan politics in houses
of worship.
At a press conference in Columbus today, Williams and other religious
leaders also called on the Internal Revenue Service to take action against
the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) for encouraging churches to break the law
and endorse candidates. The ADF, a Religious Right legal group based in
Arizona, is urging pastors to endorse or oppose candidates from the pulpit
on Sept. 28.
Federal tax law prohibits non-profit organizations, including houses of
worship, from intervening in elections. Religious Right groups have long
sought to turn churches into cogs in their political machine, and the ADF
hopes to win court approval of pulpit politicking.
According to today's Washington Post, Williams and other clergy are asking
the IRS to sanction the ADF for encouraging pastors to break the law and
calling for an investigation into possible violations of ethics rules.
Washington Post article link:
IRS complaint link:
IRS letter link:
The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United, hailed the
Ohio clergy group for its strong stand against the ADF.
"I am delighted to see clergy stand up for church-state separation," Lynn
said. "The vast majority of America's religious leaders reject pulpit
politicking, and I'm glad to see some of them speak out so clearly and
Continued Lynn, "Americans go to church for spiritual reasons, not to get a
list of political endorsements. The Alliance Defense Fund ought to be
ashamed of itself for attempting to drag churches into partisan politics."
Americans United today announced the launch of a new Web site
<http://www.au.org/site/R?i=rGXJETesPOQRSdkdSCpSkw.. ,
www.projectfairplay.org, that will educate religious leaders and other
Americans about the proper role of religion in politics.
The "Project Fair Play" Web site contains a broad array of resources
dealing with federal tax law provisions that bar pulpit politicking. It
includes several links to IRS publications, educational materials for
clergy and information about religious leaders' stands on the topic.
Interested citizens can also use projectfairplay.org to report violations
of the law to Americans United. Americans United has filed complaints with
the IRS about flagrant examples of partisan politicking by religious
Said AU's Lynn, "The Religious Right persists in misleading clergy about
federal tax law. Our new site will give religious leaders and other
interested citizens accurate information on this important topic."
Americans United is a religious liberty watchdog group based in Washington,
Founded in 1947, the organization educates Americans about the importance
of church-state separation in safeguarding religious freedom.
Americans United Press Contacts:
Joe Conn, Rob Boston, Sandhya Bathija
The First Freedom First Campaign is a joint project of
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
and The Interfaith Alliance Foundation
If you haven't signed the petition yet, visit www.firstfreedomfirst.org.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
518 C Street NE,
Washington, DC 20002